SUNTER HOMES - Key Persons

Adrian Sunter - President

Job Titles:
Adrian Sunter is an inter-provincially licensed carpenter and has been immersed in home construction and commercial office renovations since 2004. He holds a Building Construction Technician Diploma with honours. As Founder of Sunter Homes, Adrian Sunter brings reliability, innovation, and unfailing customer service to your home and office. Born and raised in Bells Corners, Ottawa, Adrian Sunter has had the privilege of working under the guidance of many talented carpenters who have fueled his desire to create beautiful homes of all forms, a passion sparked since childhood from the day he first stepped into his father's workshop. Founding and building Sunter Homes has been his life's work. The vision is to build families' dreams and see them take shape in Sunter Homes' projects. For Adrian, this is a wonderfully rewarding experience, as is the opportunity to learn from and pass on to others the many tricks of the trade. One of the most rewarding aspects of Adrian's job is the friendships shared in the pursuit of common goals. His daily goal is building long-term relationships with clients and creating "wow" experiences.

Ali Alsalihiy

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Job Titles:
As Project Coordinator, Ali is adept at overseeing the many facets of construction projects. His expertise spans managing subcontractors, ensuring timely procurement of materials, enhancing operational efficiencies, and maintaining transparent communication with homeowners. Ali's approach is tailored to each project, recognizing every custom home and renovation's distinctiveness and challenges. Ali is passionate about maintaining an active lifestyle outside the office, whether hitting the gym, playing sports, or enjoying the outdoors. His enthusiasm isn't confined to physical activities; Ali is also known for his spirited Canada Day celebrations, a highlight of his year. Ali's wanderlust bucket list is as adventurous as his professional life, with Dubai, UAE, and Thailand prominently featured as must-visit destinations.

Bjarke Ingles

Job Titles:
  • Danish Architect

Chad McMillan

Job Titles:
  • Supervisor
Meet Chad McMillan, our esteemed Site Supervisor whose journey from an aspiring gym teacher to a master carpenter exemplifies passion, dedication, and an unyielding work ethic. Chad's first foray into the construction industry began at 14, installing windows and doors, sparking a lifelong commitment to carpentry. Chad McMillan is more than our Site Supervisor; he is a testament to the power of transforming one's passions into a fulfilling career, making him an invaluable asset to our team and an inspiration to all who work alongside him.

Conor O'Neill

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Conor's enthusiasm for the dynamic nature of his role sets him apart. He thrives on the ever-changing landscape of construction, where each day presents new opportunities and challenges. This variety keeps his job engaging and fuels his passion for the industry, making every project a unique adventure. Conor is a craftsman outside the office with a growing interest in refinishing furniture. This hobby allows him to express his creativity. It brings a sense of fulfillment as he transforms old pieces into beautiful additions to his home. Influenced by the innovative and sustainable designs of Danish architect Bjarke Ingles, Conor has always been captivated by the blend of building and creativity. His first job as a landscaper set the stage for a career built on hard work and a connection to the physical environment. Conor's adventurous spirit and global explorations, such as his travels to Lagos, Portugal, enrich his perspective and approach to his work. Even with a predominantly analytical mind, he infuses each project with creativity, striving to demonstrate his abilities and maintain a standard of personal excellence. Conor's approach to life is straightforward and pragmatic, embodied in his favourite expression, "nothing to it but to do it." This philosophy extends to his professional ethos, where he takes pride in his contributions to winning national championships in war-canoe racing and values simple pleasures like spending time with family and friends, especially during the holiday season. Conor's exceptional building expertise, remarkable collegial spirit, and diverse talents make him an indispensable Sunter Homes team member.


Job Titles:
David Bass, a native of Ottawa, has a deep-rooted affection for his hometown. Surrounded by the picturesque landscapes of the valley and the enchanting vicinity of Quebec, David's connection to these areas has been a source of continuous inspiration and exploration. His academic journey led him to university, followed by a stint in a research lab, which, while enriching, prompted him to contemplate a significant shift in his professional path. Fortuitously, a close friend and seasoned carpenter extended an offer for Davidt to join him for a summer project at this crossroads. This opportunity was a revelation for David, beginning a newfound passion for carpentry. David's enthusiasm for his craft remains unchanged years into this journey. "Here I am seven years later and still enjoying every day. You can't ask for more than that," David reflects with satisfaction. Beyond his professional life, David is an avid adventurer and nature enthusiast. The lush green spaces of Ottawa-Gatineau serve as his playground, where he indulges in cross-country biking, canoe-camping, hiking, and snowboarding. These activities underscore David's love for the outdoors and reflect his commitment to a balanced lifestyle, harmonizing his work with his personal passions.

James Agostinho

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James loves creating and is most in his element when he's being productive; whether he is supervising the construction of a dream home, honing his welding skills, hand upholstering the interior of his van or custom tailoring his clothes. When not building, James most enjoys training dogs. There is a special place in James' heart for his German Sheppard Vinny. Vinny loves attending weekly formal guard dog school where James and fellow dog enthusiasts adorn full body protective suits to help hone their dogs' impressive skills.


Job Titles:

Jean-Marc Arseneault

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Jean-Marc stands at the helm of our construction sites with an unwavering commitment to excellence and safety. As our site supervisor, he not only oversees the meticulous progress of each project but also brings a deep-seated passion for the transformative power of homebuilding. His enthusiasm for the challenges and the final reveal of a newly constructed home enriches our team's spirit. Starting his career journey at a young age, Jean-Marc learned the value of hard work and resilience, qualities instilled by his greatest hero, his father. These early lessons have shaped Jean-Marc into the dedicated professional he is today. He is always ready to meet the day's demands with a positive outlook and a solution-oriented approach. Away from the construction site, Jean-Marc is a devoted father, finding his greatest joy and inspiration in his son's achievements, particularly in the competitive arena of hockey. To recharge, he enjoys life's simple pleasures, such as renovating his home, watching movies, and taking leisurely Sunday drives. Jean-Marc's philosophy-respecting others, offering help when possible, and withholding judgment-mirrors his professional ethos. He embodies the spirit of teamwork and community, making him an asset to our company and a cherished member of the broader community we serve. In Jean-Marc, we see the heart of our company: dedicated, hard-working, and always forward-moving. Join us in celebrating his contributions to our projects and the positive impact he makes every day.


Job Titles:

Meet Conor

Job Titles:
  • Project Coordinator
Meet Conor, a skilled Project Coordinator at Sunter Homes, who plays a pivotal role in transforming the concept of a home into reality. With a keen eye for detail and a collaborative spirit, Conor expertly navigates the complexities of homebuilding, working closely with sub-trades, engineers, and designers to ensure every project is a masterpiece.


Job Titles:
  • Project Coordinator
Natalie loves her role in the orchestration of complex projects. She receives a lot of fulfillment coordinating the construction of a home's many distinctive features and bringing them together to create something that is more than the sum of its parts. Natalie's favourite part of her job is her regular site meetings with our clients to review construction progress in person. At the end of the day, Natalie's activity of choice to recharge is reading a book by the fire. Natalie cherishes family time most of all which makes Christmas her favourite holiday; when her whole family gets together.