Catherine Lepp

As a Hooper Undergraduate Research Award recipient, Catherine worked on genetic and environmental effects on cottonwood leaf traits in collaboration with the Cottonwood Ecology Group.

Dr. Hillary F. Cooper

Job Titles:
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
Hillary is an evolutionary ecologist interested in how organisms can respond to environmental stress via genetic or plastic mechanisms. As a post-doc in the Cottonwood Ecology Group, Hillary studies the evolution and ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity to climate change and insect herbivory in cottonwood trees, and how it may then affect communities of dependent organisms. Hillary earned her PhD in Biology at NAU in 2018 researching genetic and trait variation in cottonwoods.

Dr. Rebecca J. Best

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor

Iris Garthwaite

Iris joined the lab from Evergreen State where she worked with Dr. Carri LeRoy and started building her science twitter reach! Iris works on trait plasticity in collaboration with the Cottonwood Ecology Group.

Jackie Corbin

Jackie is co-advised with Dr. Tom Whitham in the Cottonwood Ecology Group. She is testing how leaf spectroscopy methods can efficiently detect genetic and environmental variation in plant leaf traits, and their ecological consequences.

Joe Sweet

As a NASA Space Grant intern, Joe worked on using remote sensing to detect the presence of water in ponds across the northern Arizona landscape, giving us much greater spatial and temporal information on habitat availability.

Joshua Rihs

Joshua completed his BS in Environmental Sciences and was the School of Earth and Sustainability's Outstanding Senior in 2022. As a 2x Hooper Undergraduate Research Award recipient, he has already worked on the impact of transgenerational plasticity on the growth and reproduction of native and introduced amphipods, and is now working on the recovery of pond invertebrate communities following extreme drought.

Kaitlin Haase

Now at: Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Santa Fe, NM. Kaitlin studied the biodiversity and connectivity of natural and anthropogenic ponds across northern Arizona in relation to aquatic habitat loss due to climate change.

Lindsay Hansen

Now at: USGS, Flagstaff, AZ. Lindsay studied the increasing abundance of a native fish (the flannelmouth sucker) in the Colorado River by modeling growth rates in response to changing water temperature in the Grand Canyon. She was co-advised with Brett Dickson and in collaboration Charles Yackulic. Lindsay has also published a children's book about her research!

Matthew Johnson

As a Hooper Undergraduate Research Award recipient, Matthew worked on understanding trait variation in aquatic insect larvae, and how multiple environmental tolerance traits have evolved across orders and families.

Morgan Andrews

Now at: USGS. As a Hooper Undergraduate Research Award recipient, Morgan worked on the effects of water temperature on the distribution of aquatic biodiversity across ponds in Arizona, using both field and lab approaches. She was awarded the Best Poster in Applied Research at the 2019 Society for Freshwater Sciences meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah!

Sarah Sterner

Now at: USGS. Sarah was co-advised with Clare Aslan, and worked with the Landscape Conservation Initiative to study the impacts of land management policies on ecosystems across boundary lines between federal, regional, and state owned lands. Her MS research is published in Forest Ecology and Management.

Susan Wood

Susan is working on the control of invasive crayfish species in Arizona, in collaboration with David Ward at the USGS and with funding and input from the US FWS Southwest Non-Native Aquatic Species Community of Practice.

Yazhmin Dozal

Yazhmin is completing her MS as a Fellow with the RISE Program for Environmental Health research, and is studying the relationship between changing aquatic environments, the distribution of mosquito larvae, and disease. Previously, Yazhmin graduated as the Distinguished Senior for the College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences at NAU. She was Co-Chair of the NAU Green Fund Committee and an active member of The Wildlife Society's NAU chapter.