Dr Daryl Turner

Dr. Turner, the inventor, creator, and Intellectual property holder of the Thyroflex, and the ‘Core Hormone' system, the BioPharma Nutaceuticals, SAM Integrative software analysis for hormones, the Dr Referral System services, initially began development on the Thyroid Reflex research now called the Thyroflex focusing on the Achilles reflex. Then Dr. Turner moved the research and testing to the Brachioradialis, as a more practical test location, the Brachioradialis in the arm, for testing and screening of patients. The Achilles and the Brachioradialis are 99.9% correlated. Clinical trials were then completed over a three-year period on 2,200 people, testing not only the Reflex speed, but also the Neurotransmitters and the Resting Metabolic Rate. (RMR) When we combined the symptoms with the Thyroflex results we were able to offer to other medical practices a precise, integrated system to treat and help their patients with Thyroid disease. The results are proof in and of itself. The Thyroflex is peer reviewed, published, with FDA & CE registration.