Updated 1 day ago
Williams Tower - 2800 Post Oak Blvd 31st Floor, Houston, TX 77056, USA
United Pangaea Corporation (UPC) is an international trade corporation based out of Texas, USA. We are importer-exporters of various commodities and some finished goods, among several industries...
UPC is a business, and as a business, we are driven to make profits. We believe capitalism has been proven to be the most successful force to advance a nation. Many companies have sadly gone the direction of commercialism, chasing after profits over all other factors (including quality and social or environmental ramifications). Fortunately, there is a shift towards corporate and individual responsibility occurring that our team at UPC stands behind...
Diversification UPC is on a mission towards an expansive product line by trading in many industries. We are committed to seeking out all opportunities, and actively strategizing, to broaden our supply and global reach. Creating