Robert Topolewski

Job Titles:
  • about Owner
From a young age, Robert always looked at items with curiosity. He always wanted to know how things worked, how he could fix or improve them, and how to make them more beautiful. He developed a habit of finding details he could add that would change the way people view-and use-their beloved treasures. This desire to improve and repurpose old items drove Robert to learn mechanics and understand how things are made and how they work. He took a deep interest in such varied projects as taking apart cars to improve and customize them, painting large wall murals, and carving a rifle from wood to look like an exact replica. If he didn't know how to do it, Robert would find a way to learn. Often this meant diving into a project and figuring it out with experience. Robert treats his business the same way. He strives to make it a unique and useful company that will exceed customer expectations and keep them coming back. Once you come to know Robert, you will experience his eye for design and his passion for viewing the world differently.