WMG LONDON - Key Persons

Alexandra Foley

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Member of the International Advisory Board
Alexandra Foley is based in London and is a dual British/American citizen. Alexandra worked for Sotheby's auctioneers in Los Angeles and London from 1978 - 1991, specialising in arms and armour and modern sporting guns. Moving back to London from Los Angeles in 1981, Alex become an antique and modern firearms cataloguer and appraiser at Sotheby's Bond Street auction rooms, working with leading collectors, experts and dealers on both sides of the Atlantic. Alex's passion is arms and accoutrements of the American West. Brought up in the UK, the south of Spain and California, Alex is internationally well-connected. Her adventurous spirit has led to some extraordinary experiences including looking after Titanic survivors while press director on the 1996 Titanic Expedition, to spending two months on safari in Botswana shooting big game with the legendary 'white hunter' Harry Selby and a well-known American collector of Purdey sporting guns. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a member of the Explorers Club and the Scientific Exploration Society. She is a keen collector of 19th century American revolvers, particularly Colts and Remingtons, and loves driving classic cars.

Derek Stimpson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Member of the International Advisory Board
  • United Kingdom / Member of the International Advisory Board
Derek Stimpson lives in London. He took up a City Insurance and reinsurance firm's offer in the mid 1960's and thus started a long association with the City of London. He was a member of Lloyds for a number of years. His career in the City of London lasted 45 years, largely as an underwriter, retiring from Assicurazioni Generali as Head of Reinsurance in London after 30 years with them. He speaks Spanish fluently as well as other Latin languages and travelled extensively during his career. Derek has always had a strong interest in natural history and conservation as well as shooting, and collecting classic firearms. He enjoys music, art and literature. He is Chairman of the Historical Breechloading Small arms Association and sits on the British Shooting Sports Council and NRA General Council. He is the Honorary Archivist and a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers, a Liveryman of the Turners Company and Company of Arts Scholars, He is a member of many shooting organisations, a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London and Chairman of the SE England Branch of the British Deer Society. He collects together with his wife and time permitting stalks and shoots in UK, Europe and Africa and writes for sporting magazines. One of his particular interests is in preserving heritage for future generations, as well as studying and researching it.

H.R.H. Prince Diego Massimiliano de Giorgi

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Member of the International Advisory Board
  • Advisory and Executive
  • Expert in Public Affairs, Strategy
  • Italy / Member of the International Advisory Board
Diego Massimiliano de Giorgi is an expert in public affairs, strategy consulting, and public diplomacy. He is the head of the House of Giorgi, one of Europe's oldest families. Diego Massimiliano received military and diplomatic training in Europe and the United States. He studied international law and economics at the universities of Helsinki, Pisa, and Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne. He was also a visiting research student at the University of Oxford, St. John's College under Prof. Paul Craig and an international student at Yale Law School and Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies under Prof. Susan Rose-Ackerman and Prof. Daniel C. Esty. Diego Massimiliano managed highly sensitive and strategic consulting engagements for multinational companies and governments providing business intelligence, institutional relations, and political risk analysis. He also served as a consultant to the United Nations Democracy Fund, the United Nations Department of Public Information, and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Diego Massimiliano sits on the advisory and executive boards of several companies and organizations. He has been active in the cultural heritage sector as a professional and philanthropist through the family foundation which has furthered cultural heritage initiatives and restoration projects in Italy, the Balkans, and the Middle East. He speaks English, French, and Italian natively.

Michael Reiss von Filski - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman

Paul Roberts

Job Titles:
  • Honorary President
  • Honorary President of William Moore & Grey Ltd
  • United Kingdom / Honorary President of William Moore & Grey / Member of the International Advisory Board
Paul Roberts is Honorary President of William Moore & Grey and the managing director of J. Roberts & Son Gunmakers Ltd. His passion for shotguns was ignited by his father Joseph ‘Pip' Roberts at the tender age of six, his first air rifle bought at seven and the collecting and dealing bug developed by fourteen. In the early 1950's Paul joined his father at premises in London's West End and developed the gunmaking and dealing side of the business. Hunting and buying visits to India, hours spent at Christie's and Sotheby's auction houses, attendance at gun shows worldwide - fraternizing with the world's leading collectors and dealers - combined with ‘product testing' safaris in Africa, have resulted in producing a gunmaker whose expertise and inherent gun knowledge is superlative. His extensive knowledge and skills were honed in the field, market place and factory by renovating, repairing and dealing in English guns, old and new, German Mausers and Lugers, the new Italian and Spanish shotguns and a large selection of American firearms. In the 1970's he started working closely with traditional British gunmakers John Rigby & Co., eventually purchasing the company in the 1980's when Paul brought his considerable knowledge into the manufacturing field, successfully re-establishing the brand to its former pre-war glory days. An affiliation with WJ Jeffery & Co further enhanced his area of expertise and continued to keep Paul in the forefront of British gunmaking. Over the years and to this day, his employees continue to benefit from his knowledge and insight.

Phillip C Ingham

Job Titles:
  • Commander
  • Member of the Member of the International Advisory Board
Phillip C Ingham, Commander RN - Currently CEO of the Naval Club Mayfair, London - A Royal Navy Officer who saw active service in Cyprus, Northern Ireland and the Falklands. His staff appointments at home and abroad included the UK Ministry of Defence, the United States

William Moore

William Moore started his business in 1808, William Parker Grey joined in 1820. Together, they have shaped the history of William Moore & Grey and the one Britain's gunmakers for more than two centuries. Today, William Moore & Grey stands for exceptional shotguns, rifles and pistols, respecting our tradition and legacy.