SEAN - Key Persons

Sean Wilke

​​Sean considers himself very lucky to have lived the last 30 years of his life in the Boise area. There are so many things to do and see and so many ways to prosper in the Treasure Valley that he cannot see calling anywhere else home. He has watched as many others outside of our state have realized the same thing, making for a booming local real estate market.​​ Sean has been involved in and around real estate transactions his whole life. He was born in Missoula, Montana where his parents owned a small business. When he was four his family pulled up stakes and headed for the Treasure Valley to try their hand at farming and ranching. Their first years in farming and ranching were truly a "trial by fire" and the only way to succeed was through hard work, determination and perseverance. He still incorporates those same ethics into his daily life and uses them to help his clients have a wonderful experience both during and after their real estate transactions. As he grew up he was able to hone the skills he had learned early on in his life. For the past 30 years he has been involved in the operation and expansion of his family's farms. During that time his family has been able to grow and diversify their family farm to also incorporate commercial and residential properties in the Boise area. Through the operation of the farms he has gained invaluable firsthand experience in real estate transactions. Those transactions include: farms, ranches, residential, commercial and industrial properties. These deals have given him an intricate knowledge of what it takes to negotiate successful real estate transactions and make sure that everything is done correctly. He knows what its like to be the buyer and seller of property, not just the agent. Sean is on top of everything for me, always with an eye toward helping me make the most profitable decisions. He is like family and is always just a phone call away to guide me. I am so confident with Sean that I would literally put my life in his hands. If you are thinking about using Sean as your Realtor, don't think twice.