Adrien Palmer

Job Titles:
  • Senior Project Manager
As a former ESL and preschool teacher, current songwriter and musician, and future author of a New York Times Best Seller, I've always loved words and valued their power. Clarity of speech leads to clarity of thought leads to clarity of action. I think Marky Mark said that. I see words as lenses to help us clearly see our "why". And as your metaphorical optometrist living in South Oak Cliff with my wife (Lizbet), dog (Tyler), and favorite guitar (Juliet…just don't tell Jesse), I love helping people articulate the "why"s that fuel their businesses and the change they're working for in their communities.

Keisha Whaley - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
My name is Keisha Whaley and I can finally admit I was the kid who tattled on the others for coloring outside the lines. Don't get me wrong! Art for art's sake is wonderful, but I love the parameters, the problem solving that comes with professional creative work.

Sabrina Handal

Job Titles:
  • Designer
I was your classic over-scheduled only child, enrolled in every extracurricular activity to keep me busy. In the end, I dropped almost all of them but Arts & Crafts. Even though I asked Santa for a printer when I was 5, it took me a bit longer to embrace my creativity. I love exploring every creative realm, from graphic design to creative writing, photography, videography, drawing, and painting. The chance to combine these passions is what drew me from Honduras to the United States. I believe in living life vivaciously and enthusiastically. My life's purpose is to use my creativity to empower. I think of design as a way to amplify ideas and create imploring visuals that connect people.

Sinclair Freeman

Job Titles:
  • Office Administrator