Updated 53 days ago
P.O. Box 12697 Durham, NC 27709
Today, KBH is proud to be the leading provider of ABA services in North Carolina. Building on a central theme of KBH's history, the organization continues to believe that strong clinicians are critical to strong outcomes. With that, KBH consistently invests heavily in training its clinical team and maintains a commitment to upholding the highest professional standards. Additionally, we continue a core belief that diversity make us stronger, both in terms of our team mates as well as the clients we serve... The staff of KBH is able to provide in-home or clinic-based services to clients located in the Triangle, Charlotte, and Fayetteville, North Carolina. For specific information about services for your child, contact the staff at the clinic location closest to your home... KBH is a mission-driven organization, dedicated to improving the lives of our clients, and their families. As a Public Benefit Corporation, KBH endeavors to always further its mission of expanding access to high-..
Also known as: KBH