Shanon Philips - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Partner
Shanon has a bachelors degree from Mesa University in Human Performance and Wellness. In college, she expected to have a career in physical therapy or sports medicine. After landing her first job as an assistant in a small physical therapy office, she found herself doing more and more office management work and found a new passion. Throughout her career, she spent time in multiple industries eventually landing in technology. Since that time, Shanon has become involved in multiple programs that help to support bringing more women into technology roles. Shanon brings over 15 years experience in Human Resources, earning her SPHR and SHRM-SCP in 2014. She spent many years developing leaders, writing content and in talent acquisition. When asked what she loves about Human Resources she states, "I love to see people grow within a company; it is more than just putting butts in seats, it's about finding the right person, for the right role and then developing them." As an entrepreneur, Shanon is passionate about growing her business while seeing other business owners succeed in their business goals. She strives to be a strategic business partner with all of her clients. Shanon is a native to Utah and has spent most of her life there. She married her high school sweetheart; they have a daughter and a toy poodle. Outside of work, she is an avid outdoorsman. She loves to camp, hike, fly fish, ski and travel. Her favorite places on earth are Maui and Lake Powell. She enjoys spending as much time with her family as possible.