Marco Lim

Marco Lim, with over 30 years of experience in the importing and distribution into the US market, has extensive experience in local logistics and retail/distribution channels. Marco also has experience in running processing centers in Latin America and Central Florida. He has worked hand-in-hand with local restaurant chains and retailers to develop center-of-the-plate presentations and frozen section retail sales. Now Marco focuses on developing strategic alliances with local distributors, retailers, and restaurant chains to establish M&M as a reliable supply partner, working towards setting up supply chains to competitively position our clients towards the next decade ahead.

Mickey Effendy

Mickey Effendy, with over 30 years of experience in the fishing industry in Indonesia, has extensive experience in local fishery and raw material resource management. Mickey also has experience with the local government ministry of fisheries, lending a hand to combat IUU in Indonesia and eradicating the many years of illegal activities. Now Mickey focuses on the ownership and management several local-built fishing vessels, using latest technology to ensure that fishery improvement projects goals are being met. Using sustainable fishing methods and monitoring improvement goals are now his mission as we venture into next decade ahead.