Jan Cox

Jan Cox / Mrs. Cox I started working at Pioneer Preschool in 2007. I feel so lucky to be able to work with such an amazing and dedicated group of teachers. I have a son and daughter who were both students at Pioneer. I currently have two roles at preschool; I teach a 3 year old class and I assist in the Transitional Kindergarten room.

Kate Kanli

Hello! I am Kate Kanli, the newest member of the Pioneer Preschool family. I will be teaching TK in the Frog Room. I am a graduate of the University of Kansas City with a B.A. in Elementary Education and a M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction. I began my teaching journey in 2010 and have since gained valuable experience in and out of the classroom. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, Can, and three amazing children: Aurora (7), Nolan (6), and Mira (3). Aurora and Nolan are graduates of Pioneer Preschool and Mira is currently enrolled and loving it! I am excited to embark on this new journey and look forward to instilling a love of learning in our Pioneer Scholars.

Kim Tolen

Kim Tolen / Ms. Kim Throughout my 26 years at Pioneer Preschool, I have held many different positions including Transitional Kindergarten assistant, Extended Day Teacher and 3 year old teacher. Currently, I teach several 4 year old classes. I attended Pittsburg State University and am nationally accredited in Child Development. Both of my children attended Pioneer Preschool, and after seeing what a wonderful nurturing experience they had, I joined their staff.

Laura Baker

Laura Baker / Ms. Laura I started here at PPS in 2017, although my love for this school began when both of my kiddos attended. What a joy it is to work at a place that holds a special place in your heart! I have a BS degree from Kansas State University.

Paula Hawkins

Paula Hawkins / Mrs. Hawkins I have been a teacher at Pioneer Preschool since joining in 2000 and have taught in the early childhood field since 1985. I have the pleasure of teaching both 3 and 4 year old classes at Pioneer. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Pittsburg State University. Pre-school aged kids are such a joy to teach as they are so curious and eager to learn about their world.

Tracy Brink

Tracy Brink / Ms. Tracy I have been a teacher at Pioneer Preschool since 2013. I have had the opportunity to teach both 3 and 4 year olds, as well as extended day classes since I have been here. Both of my sons, attended Pioneer and are excited that I am now a teacher here. My experience in child care education includes 2 1/2 years before coming to Pioneer Preschool.