Adophe Yenga

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Assistant En Stratégie

Alida Pelenge

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Alida Pelenge Kobanganda holds a Bachelor's degree from ISAM College before completing a specilaised training in administrative and financial assistance in 2019. She has more than 6 years of experience working with public and private institutions before joining RightsEmpower Law Firm.

Anicet Luteke Laka-Laka

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Attorney
Anicet Luteke Laka-Laka is an Associate Attorney at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy in the Judicial law department. His professional practice is essentially devoted to drafting of documents (conclusions, requests, correspondences, and reports). With strong knowledge of the Congolese judicial and administrative landscape, Anicet Luteke Laka-Laka ensures a regular monitoring of judicial and legal dockets at the prosecutor's offices and courts. Holder of a certificate in advanced English delivered by the English language center attached to Wits University in South Africa in 2014, Anicet Luteke Laka-Laka also plays the role of interpreter and translator within our firm. He ensures interpretation during meetings and conferences as well as translation of working documents (contracts, minutes, memorandums, legal opinions, and correspondences) from French to English and vice versa.

Benjamin Mabundu

Job Titles:
  • Accountant
  • Consultant
  • Technical Advisor
  • Consultant With RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy
Benjamin Mabundu is a Consultant with RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He is a Chartered Accountant and member of the National Order of Chartered Accountants (ONEC/DRC). He has benefited from several training courses and seminars which provide him with expertise in Accounting, Finance, Audits, Taxation, Leadership & Management, Budgetary Management, Internal Control, OHADA Accounting System and Development of Business Plans. He also has experience in drafting procedure manuals, human resources management, use of data processing software, procurement procedures, etc. He carries out audit missions, recruitment of senior executives and evaluations of technical and financial offers with projects financed by the World Bank as well as public and private companies.

Crispin Kabasa

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Director
  • Project Manager
  • Technical Advisor
  • Consultant With RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy
Crispin Kabasa is a Consultant with RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He has proven expertise in the following areas: public policies, social and solidarity economy and sustainable development. Crispin Kabasa also specializes in social and solidarity entrepreneurship, analysis and evaluation of corporate social responsibility (CSR), project development and management, and territorial diagnosis. In addition, he has a strong experience in creating social and solidarity businesses. Crispin Kabasa works as Director and Project Manager in the Alsace Solidarity Service Association in the Grand-Est region of France. He supports around fifty associative structures in France and the DRC on project methodology.

Fiat Kisoko

Job Titles:
  • Legal Expert

Gaby Kabue - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Partner
  • Member of the Legal Team
  • Founder & Managing Partner of RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy
Gaby Kabue is the Founder & Managing Partner of RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He has proven expertise in Digital Law (Technology, Financial Technology (Fintech) - Cryptocurrency - Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Banking and Finance). Gaby Kabue has over 15 years of experience in Corporate & Commercial law, OHADA, Telecom, Mines, Energy, Forests and Climate Change/REDD+ Process. In addition, he has an intensive experience on legal issues affecting business and investments in the DR Congo and Africa. Gaby Kabue proudly practices is profession as a Lawyer, successfully representing and advising wide range of clients. He has been consulted several times by companies in the mining, energy and telecom sectors including international organizations such as the World Bank, Globe International, United Nations Environmental Organization (UNEP), United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO), World Worldwide Fund (WWF), German Cooperation (GIZ), etc. to carry out political and legal studies of great interest and providing legal opinions and drafting agreements relating to Natural Resources, Energy, Investments in the DR Congo, etc. He works extensively in close collaboration with various stakeholders involved in Finance and Investment issues. Gaby Kabue focuses his professional practice on legal issues related to the digital era, typically in Financial Technology - Cryptocurrency - Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Energy and Natural Resources sectors.

Gilbert Songe

Job Titles:
  • Technical Advisor
  • Consultant Informatique
Gilbert Songe holds Master's degree in Network Science and Cyber Security from the

Herménégilde Nzana

Job Titles:
  • Legal Expert at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy
Herménégilde Nzana is Legal Expert at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. With more than 20 years of experience as a Lawyer, he intensively practices in environment and natural resources sectors. Herménégilde Nzana is a Legal Expert in mines, energy, nature conservation, land and hydrocarbons. He advises a wide range of clients on the legal and regulatory requirements related to application and renewal process for approval, licensing, and operating permits.

Jackson Kamanyi Kubanayi

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Technical Advisor
Jackson Kamanyi Kubanayi est un Consultant avec le Cabinet d'Avocats RightsEmpower. Il est Expert, Chercheur et Enseignant en Sciences de l'information et de la communication de l'Université de Kinshasa. Il poursuit ses études doctorales depuis 2017 à l'Université d'Ottawa... Fort d'une expérience accrue en communication des organisations et en journalisme, Il a travaillé au profit des actions et projets de communication de plusieurs entreprises et organisations congolaises et canadiennes. Il est Maître des Conférences (MC) et se spécialise aussi, depuis 2009, en communication environnementale et analyse et suivi de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises.

Kinshasa-Gombe Bar Association - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder

Kévin Matiafu

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Attorney

Kévine Matiafu

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Attorney
Kévine Matiafu is an Associate Attorney at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He has experience in Civil Property, Criminal Law and all matters relating to Business Law (OHADA). He is a Lawyer, Lecturer and Researcher in International Humanitarian Law at William Booth University. He authored several publications notably "the contemporary causes of armed conflicts with regards to international humanitarian Law".

Olivier Miyamba

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Attorney
Olivier Miyamba is an Associate Attorney at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy at the Tax department. For more than 10 years, he has demonstrated experience in domestic and international Tax Law issues. His experience allowed him to process and provide legal opinions on mining, forestry, electricity, and hydrocarbon taxation. Having a strong analysis capacity on Tax legal framework in the DRC, Olivier Miyamba has a huge potential to bring experience to tax practice within RightsEmpower Law Firm.

Papy Matthieu Tshibala

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Member of the Legal Team
  • Partner
  • Associate Partner at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy
Papy Matthieu Tshibala is an Associate Partner at RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He practices his profession as a Lawyer with self-sacrifice and commitment by representing, defending and advising clients. He has proven expertise in commercial, real estate, insurance, tax and customs laws. For over 16 years, he has focused his professional practice on corporate law and OHADA, which allowed him to master all legal procedures relating to the fields mentioned above. Papy Matthieu Tshibala has strong knowledge and foresight to add significant value to the type of transactions clients are considering, whether by investing in a company or reviewing compensation structures to ensure they are tax-efficient. In addition, he advises a full range of individuals and investors, owners of large and small businesses on taxation in mining, hydrocarbons, forestry, and real estate sectors. He represents and accompanies companies in administrative and judicial formalities before local authorities. PRACTICE AREAS Papy Matthieu Tshibala focuses his professional practice on the following legal services:

Patrick Mutombo

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Attorney
Patrick Mutombo est un Avocat Associé au sein du Cabinet d'Avocats RightsEmpower. Depuis 2010, il est engagé dans le secteur de l'environnement, plus particulièrement dans les secteurs Forestier, Foncier et Agriculture. Son expérience considérable lui a permis de réaliser plusieurs études juridiques et d'implémenter les projets financés par des bailleurs de fonds et des organisations internationales notamment la Banque Mondiale, le PNUD et l'AFD. En sa qualité d'expert juriste, Patrick Mutombo développe des analyses juridiques dans le cadre des réformes foncières et forestières en RDC.