Cynthia Boutilier

Job Titles:
  • Bar Director ( Rentals )

Genevieve Andrea

Job Titles:
  • Publicity Director

Ian MacInnis

Job Titles:
  • House Director

Jenna MacNeil

Job Titles:
  • Junior Director

Jill MacIsaac

Job Titles:
  • Membership Director
Jill is 27 years old. This is her first year on the board of directors. She's excited to get started this season. Jill has curled for 5 years. She loved everything about the game. She always watched it on TV but never got the courage to try it out until 2017. In her spare time she works full time & enjoys spending time with family & friends.

Ken MacLeod

Job Titles:
  • Secretary
  • Secretary of the Board
Ken is the board secretary (not to be confused with the bored secretary you may have seen on tv). To date, he is enjoying his time spent volunteering with the other members of the executive. He feels he's well suited for the role of secretary as he can type over 100 words per minute (although it is considerably slower if you need the words to be spelled correctly). As for curling experience, he feels lucky to have already accomplished so much in his young career. He doesn't think there is a curler in the building he hasn't lost to! Good curling everyone! He is looking forward to having fun with you all.

Shane Langille

Job Titles:
  • Match Co - Director

Travis Stone - President

Job Titles:
  • President
This is Travis' final year on the Board of Directors. He's looking forward to a fun and successful year at the club. Travis is a former Provincial Junior Champion, CIS Silver Medalist, and a National Club Championship Silver Medalist. In the off-season, Travis has recently taken up golf, so you can hear him swearing after a missed shot on the course AND on the ice!