Karen Rosenblum - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Director
Karen is Marc's wife, best friend, and adviser-at-large. She is invaluable in her assistance to Marc, and their husband-and-wife teamwork contribute to a successful partnership - both at work and at home. Karen is Marc's wife, best friend, and adviser-at-large. She is invaluable in her assistance to Marc in his business, and their husband-and-wife teamwork contribute to a successful partnership - both at work and at home. Karen shares her husband's passion for the salty ocean and sea breeze in the summertime, going to Flyers games in the winter, Phillies in the summer, watching the Super Bowl Champion Eagles, visiting new parts of the country and the world, and spending time with their family. Karen is proud of all their sons, and enjoys being part of their respective journeys toward their own dreams and goals. When she can, Karen enjoys her lifelong passion for photography - especially nature photography - and she also enjoys creating unique fine-art renderings of her images. Prior to committing her time to helping her husband in his business, she taught photography to those who wished to take their skills to the next level. She gave photography workshops around the country, and is a former Photography Editor and regular columnist for a local newspaper. Karen has won awards for many of her images, and has exhibited some of her work locally.

Marc Rosenblum - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Marc Rosenblum is an experienced and skilled CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. How I entered the financial advisory business, and later hung out my own shingle in the ‘80s to specialize in wealth preservation and retirement planning, originates when I was a child. Before my 6th birthday, my dad died. That was devastating, but worse was watching my mom struggle as she raised three young kids on a teacher's salary. So, as a teenager, to earn my own money and ease some of my mom's burdens, I mowed lawns and worked odd jobs, and in high school and college I sold hot dogs and beer at Phillies and Eagles games - what a gig for an avid sports fan! It was hard work, but I was okay with that. I accepted my circumstances, rolled up my sleeves, and went to work. Soon I started at Temple University in Philadelphia where I majored in business finance and marketing. That's when I started my first job with a life insurance company. Times were different back then, and I went door to door selling policies. I met so many people, put together suitable policies for them, and remain friends with many to this day. Later I worked with an independent life insurance agent, and that led to helping clients with investment and retirement plans. I needed to be licensed to do this, so I studied for and received all the licenses and certifications necessary to be a top financial advisor and planner. Then I decided to take a risk and go out on my own because I'd become very skilled at strategically customizing plans and selecting the most appropriate products necessary to implement those plans. Also, with my mom, there was a need and, finally, an opportunity for me to help her manage her finances and plan for retirement. I wanted to bring my skills and experience to the community as well because it was clear that most people wanted to have a retirement nest egg but had little idea how to start or to make necessary adjustments as they grew older and as their life circumstances changed.