QUANTICA720 - Key Persons

Alina Maftei Nurse

Job Titles:
  • Asistent Medical Generalist
I like working with people and I do everything in my power to help my patients get in good health....

Bowen Therapist

Job Titles:
  • Certified Technician
Bowen Therapist; Certified technician of somatic, therapeutic, anti-cellulite massage and reflexotherapy...

Camelia Ghergus

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Psychologist

Carolyn McMakin

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial
Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC is the clinical director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland, Oregon. She developed...

Coach Andreea Serban

Job Titles:
  • Psychologist
Andreea believes that everyone can be in complete harmony with world s core when we put in the first line the value of Diversity, ...

Corina Chirica

Job Titles:
  • Generalist Medical Assistant
Corina Chirica is a Generalist Medical Assistant with a extraordinary passion for patient care and remarkable professional abiliti...

Cristina Constantinescu

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Manager

Dr. Gabriel Gorecki

Job Titles:
  • Anesthesiologist
Dr. Gabriel Gorecki represents an added value for our team at the Quantica720° Clinic, bringing a high level of competence and pas...

Dr. Mariano Bueno Cortés

Job Titles:
  • Co - Consulting Medical Director of BIOSALUD MEDICAL CENTERS ( Madrid )
  • Expert in the Treatment of Lyme

Dr. Mihaela Dumitru

Job Titles:
  • Pediatrician

Dr. Riccardo Annibali

Job Titles:
  • Co - Consulting Mini - Invasive and Laparoscopic Surgery
Dr. Riccardo Annibali has an impressive career in the field of healthcare, providing high-quality medical care and making signific...

Dr. Robert Savin

Job Titles:
  • Specialist
With over 6 years of experience in osteopathic manipulation technique, Dr. Robert Savin is a specialist in osteopathic diagnosis,s...

Dr. Silvia Popescu

Job Titles:
  • Internal Medicine Primary Physician

Dr. Simona Gabriela Solomon

Job Titles:
  • Doctor Specialist Endocrinology, Endocrine Ultrasound Competence, Homeopathy Competence
  • Endocrinology Specialist Doctor - 2001
I am a doctor specialized in endocrinology and passionate about classical homeopathy, which I have been practicing for almost 20 years. After graduating the specialist exam, arriving in the reality of specialized offices, far from the science of Parhon, I increasingly felt the need for another form of treatment. This, especially since many of the patients had numerous difficult-to-explain symptoms that persisted despite a appropriate allopathic treatment. The "coincidence" made homeopathy appear in my path, towards which I initially showed mistrust, but then, seeing its effects, I began to study it and, gradually, to apply it.

Georgeta Savignani

Job Titles:
  • Reception

Mirela Ilie

Job Titles:
  • Therapist

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rau

Job Titles:
  • Co - Consulting Medical Doctor Co - Consultant of Oncological Pathology, Autoimmune Diseases and Biological Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Rau is well recognized today as being the expert of Biological Medicine. He is also the author of numerous a...

Valentina Petricica

Job Titles:
  • Assistant General Principal
Valentina Petricica is an Assistant General Principal practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the field....