Aaron Muttukumaru

Job Titles:
  • Business Manager
Aaron brings more than ten years of business, finance, and management experience to Territory Therapy Solutions after having a successful career in the banking and the vocational training sector. In his role as Business Manager, Aaron aspires to have therapy services regularly reach all parts of the NT,

Alicia Brown

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant to Mangement
Alicia joined the Territory Therapy Solutions team in 2019. With over 20 years' experience in reception and customer service, she is a great first point of contact to the service.

Chloe Hodgkinson

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist
Chloe holds a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney and graduated in 2020. Since then, she has worked in hospital settings across Sydney and Darwin. Chloe's experience has been in acute and rehabilitation settings, with individuals who have a wide range of needs, including neurological conditions, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputees, cognitive impairments, and visual impairments.

Jacqui Culgan

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist
Jacqui was born and raised in Darwin. She has completed a Bachelor of Health Science and a Master of Occupational Therapy at Charles Darwin University.

Jessie McDonald

Job Titles:
  • Physiotherapist
Jessie graduated from Charles Sturt University in Albury in 2023 with a Bachelor in Physiotherapy. During her degree, Jessie undertook study and practice in a variety of clinical settings.

Joey Brady

Job Titles:
  • Physiotherapist
Joey graduated from La Trobe University in Melbourne with a Masters of Physiotherapy Practice in 2022. During his degree, Joey worked in a number of different clinical settings including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, the acute hospital setting, as well as working one-on-one with older adults in the community.

Julia Swenson

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Principal
Julia is the principal occupational therapist at Territory Therapy Solutions. She established Territory Therapy Solutions in 2012 to maintain a flexible work and family balance, and to address gaps in the comprehensive management of clients with complex functional needs in the private sector.

Lauren Dale

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist
Lauren graduated from Curtin University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. As part of her degree, she gained experience working in acute neurological settings, sparking an interest in this field. After graduating, Lauren moved to Darwin and has worked in areas including inpatient and outpatient hospital rehabilitation, hand therapy and vocational rehabilitation. Lauren is passionate about providing healthcare in remote and rural settings, having grown up in country WA. She loves the unique challenge of being an OT in the Territory, and the opportunities to visit communities and learn from people all over the Top End. Lauren loves listening to people share their stories and talk about the things they are passionate about. She enjoys the opportunity to think outside of the box and collaborate on strength focused solutions to empower people to reach their goals.

Monica Heneghan

Job Titles:
  • Client Coordinator
Monica joined Territory Therapy Solutions in November 2021. With over 30 years' experience in administration and customer service in a myriad of industries including the VET sector signing up trainees and apprentices, the oil and gas, mining, marine construction, and not-for-profit industries in a variety of roles ranging from management to administration. Monica thoroughly enjoys engaging with people from all walks of life and her outgoing nature allows her to quickly build rapport with those she encounters. Monica has been based in Darwin since 1997. In her spare time, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband, studying to become a marriage celebrant, volunteering in an op shop, playing music with friends, going to hear and see live bands and travelling around the world to experience new cultures and visit family and friends.

Natalie Frkovic

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist - Supervisor
Natalie holds a Master of Occupational Therapy. She graduated from University of Sydney in 2008. She has over 10 years experience working in various settings in public health, private health and community settings with a background and interest in neurological conditions, mental health and community settings.

Nikky Mansfield

Job Titles:
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Manager
Nikky joined the Territory Therapy Solutions team as Practice Manager in 2018. She came to us with over 20 years of experience working in the health industry in both public and private sectors in the NT.

Sandra Meakins

Job Titles:
  • Psychologist
Sandra has a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours) and has over 12 years experience providing psychological services in both the private and public sectors in the Northern Territory. Sandra is a member of the Australian Psychological Society. Sandra is experienced working with a diverse range of people facing various personal challenges including mood disorders, trauma and stressor related disorders, grief and loss, adjustment difficulties and chronic pain. Sandra draws from a range of evidence based therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Re-processing therapy (EMDR), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She tailors treatment plans to best meet each individual's needs. Sandra is warm and approachable and strives to create a safe and comfortable space for people to work through their challenges. Sandra aims to help people develop skills to improve their mental wellbeing, perceptions of themselves, quality of life and relationships. Sandra works with adults over 16 years of age. Sandra has lived in Darwin since 1994 and calls Darwin home. When she's not at work, Sandra enjoys spending time with friends and family, cooking, exercising and gardening. She has two little fur babies that frequent the TTS office. Sandra is the social co-ordinator for the office and recently joined the wheelchair basketball team, ‘TTS Wheelies'.

Sarah Berhane

Job Titles:
  • Physiotherapist
Sarah was born and raised here in Darwin and is enthusiastic to be back in town helping the community since graduating from The University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy Honours in 2023.

Sarah O'Connor

Job Titles:
  • Senior Speech Pathologist
Sarah graduated from Australian Catholic University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Speech Pathology. Since graduating Sarah has worked in the private setting, aged care, disability, sub-acute and community settings.

Shirley Goncalves

Job Titles:
  • Allied Health Assistant
Shirley holds a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from FUMEC University in Brazil and graduated in 2011. Since then, she worked as a School Inclusion Coordinator in a rehabilitation institute in Brazil, providing support to families and teachers in inclusive education for children with physical disabilities and special educational needs through an individualised approach. She also provided training for teachers' development to deal with and create strategies to foment children's participation in the school environment..

Sophie Buchinger

Job Titles:
  • Occupational Therapist
Sophie graduated from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne with a Master of Occupational Therapy in 2023. As part of her studies, Sophie completed placements in an acute hospital setting, community paediatrics and the NDIS sector, giving her a wide range of experience. Previously, Sophie studied a Bachelor of Health Science; she brings a holistic and client-centered approach to all her work.