Carlo Malerba

Job Titles:
  • Architect
  • Architect Design Leader
Se dovessi pensare ad una citazione per esprimere il pensiero filosofico dell'architetto Carlo Malerba, userei decisamente le parole di Thomas Hobbes, filosofo e matematico inglese che nel 1658 scrisse l'opera "De homine", in cui disse "Scientia potentia est" o "la conoscenza è potere". Una frase semplice ma ricca di significati, capace di racchiudere il pensiero "malerbiano".

Cristiano Malerba

Job Titles:
  • Executive Account & Senior Designer
Cristiano becomes part of Carmadesign in 1994. He begins in the world of photography, on fashion sets and in advertising campaigns.

Elisa Bigando

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
Passion for graphics is a challenge that conveys emotions: through a line, a color, a shape. It is the ability to make art understandable to all people.

Fabrizio Morra

Job Titles:
  • Administration Finance
"Mio padre diceva che nella vita ci vogliono tre cose: un buon medico, un prete clemente e un grande ragioniere" On 1982, Fabrizio obtains the Classical High school diploma, but his interest where instead headed towards numbers Greek and Latin languages. On 1987, he obtained an Economy degree at The Trade University in Turin with maximum honors and after two years, he becomes an accountant. He collaborates with Carmadesing from his starts in 1990. Since these years, his collaboration has never break. He is the accounting soul that translate on numbers the company's creativity. Fabrizio takes care of corporate accounts, makes all statements of incomes, follows all relationship with Financial Authorities, and elaborates the budget and company estimates in cooperation the Company Manager. My father used to say that in life you need three things: a good doctor, a lenient priest and a great accountant...

Francesca Malerba

Job Titles:
  • Architect
My father always told me that people never truly cease to study, only a few years later i could understand that he was totally right.

Roberto Guariniello

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
Lover of beauty and curious with everything, Roberto knows that enthusiasm for his own work is the energy to auto-stimulates, essential for the team and for the client.

Viviana Alfonso

Job Titles:
  • Administration
"Il lavoro riempie gran parte della nostra vita e l'unico modo per essere una persona soddisfatta è sicuramente amare il proprio lavoro". Ha frequentato l'I.T.C.S. Germano Sommeiller di Torino ottenendo il diploma di ragioniere programmatore. Ha lavorato per circa 15 anni in uno studio legale occupandosi, oltre alle mansioni gestionali della struttura, di contabilità base e dal 2020 è in Carmadesign. Svolge mansioni di segreteria e si occupa dell'amministrazione, curando i rapporti economici con i fornitori e con i collaboratori con occhio attento a tutte le operazioni commerciali per la crescita e il benessere dello studio e la soddisfazione del cliente. Collabora con il Dott. Fabrizio Morra per ciò che riguarda la contabilità. "Work fills a large part of our life and the only way to be satisfied is to love your job." She takes care of economic relations with suppliers and collaborators with a keen eye on all commercial operations for the growth and well-being of Carmadesign