Bill Baumgartner

Bill Baumgartner was born and raised in California. Bill earned his Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of California, Riverside and spent the majority of his career in sales and sales management before opening IE Drug Testing in 2008. Bill has been an active Rotarian for over 15 years and currently serves as Assistant Governor in Rotary District 5330. Bill enjoyes working with individuals, families and local businesses to help them create drug-free environments. In the last 10 years, he has seen people from all walks of life struggle with addiction and he has learned that, in many cases, friends, family and coworkers have no idea what is going on. The dramatic rise in the use and abuse of prescription drugs has left most organizations in the dark because the most common drug tests being done right now do not screen for synthetic opiates such as Oxycontin, Vicodin and Fentanyl. Currently, more people die from prescription drug overdoses than automobile accidents. Bill takes great pride in helping his customers create comprehensive testing programs that work for them.