Markus Reiprich

Markus was born in Berlin, Germany. Attracted from a young age to the world of business, he earned his state-certified degree in Economics and Information before going on to follow his entrepreneurial aspirations. He launched his first successful venture, a cleaning company, in the early 90s, and then went on to become a branch manager in a retail business. In 2001, he moved up to become the general manager, even taking on partial ownership in the company. Through a combination of business strategy and active involvement, he expanded the business to ten times the previous value. An explorer at heart and world traveler, Markus and his wife moved to Kauai in 2014. His wife had previously called Kauai home, and Markus was excited to make a radical change to island life. Continuing to work as a consultant to businesses in Germany, he has since moved on to the vacation rental business, acting as a managing partner for Destination Kauai.