Anna Wall

After having her own personal success through osteopathic treatment, Anna knew this was her path and wanted to share the benefits of osteopathy with her community. Anna is a graduate from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, where she earned her Master of Practice Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Sciences (M.OMSc). She is a certified Osteopathic Manual Practitioner in Ontario, and a professional member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA). Anna's keen understanding of human anatomy, physiology and collective mechanics (how each part of the body is interrelated and affected), allows her to ensure that each patient receives a safe, effective and highly personalized treatment during each session - whether that be to treat an acute injury or a chronic condition. During her 4 years in of dedicated studies, Anna completed more than 4000 hours of supervised classroom education and 1000 hours of supervised practical training in the student clinic. This dedicated focus, in addition to experience in her clinical practice, helps Anna to continually learn from her patients and evolve to be a better practitioner who delivers the best possible care. In her personal time, Anna enjoys spending time outdoors - playing hockey, hiking and camping.

Benjamin Wilkinson

Benjamin has been working with Collective Foot & Wellness Clinic Professionals since November, 2021. After graduating high school in his hometown of Simcoe, Ontario, Benjamin completed his training at The University of Northampton, UK where he received a Bachelor of Science in Podiatry with Honours. Benjamin has since returned to Ontario to register with the College of Chiropodists of Ontario. Benjamin is a member of both the Ontario Society of Chiropodists and Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine. He has completed further training in injection techniques, and medication prescription. Benjamin is passionate about all aspects of Chiropody including diabetic foot care, ingrown nail treatment, and biomechanical foot pain management.

Bibby Varghese John

Job Titles:
  • Physiotherapist
  • Registered Physiotherapist With the Ontario College of Physiotherapists
Bibby is a Registered Physiotherapist with the Ontario College of Physiotherapists. She has over 15 years of practice experience based out of the Middle East (Bahrain) and Canada. With her expertise, amiable nature, and cultural knowledge, she is loved and trusted by her patients. Her curiosity in learning and understanding different conditions coupled with detailed client analysis has resulted in a dedicated group of patients. She has experience in orthopaedics, sports injury and rehabilitation, and presently works with athletes in AHL, OHL, OSBA and other recognized sports leagues. Over the years she has also worked with corporate clients such as, Closing The Gap Healthcare, and Activa Clinics. She has also worked as a consulting physiotherapist, helping patients with musculoskeletal disorders and neurological conditions. Additionally she has certifications in vestibular rehab and is looking forward to completing her Pelvic Physio certification. In her spare time, she actively serves at her local church and enjoys hanging out with her family and friends.

Jasmine Cobbina

Job Titles:
  • Chiropractor
Jasmine Cobbina is a Chiropractor with a passion for rehabilitation and exercise. She graduated with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Northeast College of Health Sciences in Seneca Falls, NY in 2022, and before that completed her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology at York University. She has earned certifications in Nimmo trigger point technique, Whole food nutrition, Sports Science and Human Performance. Jasmine also holds a Functional Integrated Acupuncture certification and Athletic Movement Assessment Certification. She has a passion for empowering her patients to lead a happy, healthy life, free from the fear of movement. She is dedicated to helping her patients get stronger and tackle life's physical challenges. Her expertise in rehabilitation and exercise, combined with her certifications in various specialties, make her an asset to any patient seeking chiropractic care.

Sahil Emrith

Sahil's understanding of foot health began with his own personal journey, as an avid sports fan and having suffered multiple ankle sprains in his life. Sahil understands the importance of being able to walk without pain or discomfort and makes it his mission to help patients walk with ease. After completing his undergraduate studies and receiving his Honors Bachelors of Science from the University of Toronto, Sahil attended the Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences and received his Advanced Diploma in Chiropody in 2022. While at the Michener Institute, Sahil completed residencies in the public health sector where he worked with high risk populations in the Mississauga area. He also completed a residency in the private health sector at our clinic! You may have seen him shadowing Alicia, Colin, or Ben over the past year! In his spare time he enjoys jogging, watching sports, and taking his car out! Sahil is currently available Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm for appointments!