Pastor Billy

Job Titles:
  • Pastor Billy Both Agreed That Pastor Cleddie Was the Answer to Be the Third Board Member of HOH, and That Was an Incredible Decision!

Pastor Josh Willis

Job Titles:
  • Founder of the Good Samaritan Inn

Pastor Lawrence

Job Titles:
  • Pastor Billy Both Agreed That Pastor Cleddie Was the Answer to Be the Third Board Member of HOH, and That Was an Incredible Decision!
Pastor Lawrence also said to the crowd there that morning, that he had to get his friend, Billy Price, pastor of City On A Hill in Cincinnati, Ohio, to come on board, or this meeting would never take place. Pastor Lawrence got the name right! Hope Over Heroin was born, thanks to that inspired moment, and our direction toward destiny was engaged! The reason for that statement by Pastor Lawrence about Pastor Billy and City On A Hill, was because City On A Hill owned an outdoor stage and sound system that was desperately needed to do that event, as well as that Pastor Billy Price was a musician, together with Pastor Lawrence in The Livestock Band, a Christian Rock Band they had evangelized across the country with, and that they would also use as the musical act for this event. Pastor Lawrence called Pastor Billy, and that initial event, the first Hope Over Heroin, over a three day period of Friday, Saturday and Sunday in August, 2014, became the moment that had been years in the making! And on that weekend, 12,000 people showed up in attendance, 154 people were baptized, over 500 gave their lives to Jesus for the first time, along with some in re-dedication to serving God! But that would never have happened, if God had not done miracles of provision, starting in 2008, with City On A Hill. In May of 2008, God specifically gave Pastor Billy the vision of a sound system, a stage and roofing system, lights, a massive power generator, and a specific amount of money that he needed to make that happen: 1 Million Dollars. Pastor Lawrence and Pastor Billy had traveled across the United States together since 2004, they had ministered in prisons and events around the nation, but this was a seemingly impossible amount of money to commit to something like this! Pastor Billy's Church only had about $20,000.00 in the bank; not enough to buy power cables for a generator that God had shown him was needed! But through a moment of prophetic, risk, where the multiple Pastors of City On A Hill agreed to mortgage their property in response to this word of God, God began the process that provided the monetary means to perform what God had declared to Pastor Billy, and within 6 days, City On A Hill was being contacted by a development company seeking to buy their property, and their property never had to be mortgaged! That's how God answers desire for the Kingdom! Amazingly, the very Sunday morning that God was speaking to Pastor Lawrence on the stage at Solid Rock Church, God was speaking to Pastor Cleddie at Heritage Fellowship on his stage, about this same Heroin epidemic! Pastor Cleddie told his congregation, "If I know God, I won't be sitting on the sidelines during this thing"!! Pastor Cleddie was at one time a Teen Challenge director, and had dealt with heroin addiction in ministry, over 5 decades ago! Pastor Cleddie was a personal friend of David Wilkerson, and had seen how God had used that man to evangelize the world and to begin the amazing, ministry of Teen Challenge! Pastor Cleddie is a patriarch of the Gospel, a living Apostle to thousands of ministries around the world, and part of every major move of the Holy Spirit in the last 50-plus years, and once again, he has touched a ministry that is touching the world! Pastor Lawrence and Pastor Billy both agreed that Pastor Cleddie was the answer to be the third board member of HOH, and that was an incredible decision!