Dr. Monika O'Brien

Dr. Monika O'Brien is bilingual, a native of Poland, and moved to the United States when she was six. Her interest in the dental field began because Dr. O'Brien was a patient on a regular basis as a child and young adult. She initially had some negative experiences as a pediatric patient and developed a fear of dentists. As a teenager, though, her new dentist had a profound impact on her. She left her dental appointments pain-free, sensitivity gone, and her smile gave her great confidence! She no longer dreaded her six month checkups, but instead she looked forward to these visits and developed a tremendous trust and comfort in the dental setting. Thus, as a junior in high school, she decided that she too was going to become a dentist. She loved science, medicine, the ability to design and create things, and most of all - working with people. What better career is there?! The path to achieving her dream began after graduating from Clearview Regional High School with Honors in 1996. She then went on to Rutgers University and received her B.A. in Biology, Class of 2000. She continued her graduate education at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and earned her D.M.D. in 2004. Since graduation, Dr. O'Brien has worked as a general dentist in a private office for the past two decade. In addition, she also provided dental care through Montgomery Military Services to the nation's armed forces and gives back to the community by sponsoring community events that are dear to her heart and educating families of the importance of good oral health. Dr. O'Brien takes courses in Continuing Education. Skill and compassion go hand in hand when providing exceptional patient care. As a dental professional, she stays current in the latest advancements in dentistry in order to provide the most up to date treatment options for her patients. As a doctor, she recognizes that her patients are unique individuals who have placed a great deal of trust in her skills and in her team. Dr. Monika O'Brien lives in Mullica Hill with her family and is very involved with the community through her own interests, as well as those of her husband and three children. Her husband is also a dentist, so it is true that dentistry really keeps the O'Brien family smiling!