Hello, My name is Josh Pape. I picked up the nickname Deuce while in the Marines and it has stuck ever since. I am a combat veteran of the Iraq war and the owner of PIG OUT. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and I have always had a love for wildlife and the outdoors. Shortly after returning home from active duty, I got my dog Blitz. Blitz was a hunting dog breed known as a German Jagdterrier. He was a great dog and with him I got into hunting and conservation. I called him my right hand dog... He went everywhere with me. I loved that dog!... One day I was out on a walk with Blitz in a local off leash park when he suddenly ran into the treeline. I heard him being attacked and did my best to find him. Suddenly things went quiet. I looked for hours and could not find him. The next day, I posted missing dog signs everywhere and noticed at the entrance to the park were several other postings of missing dogs. A few days later while searching again, I noticed two large coyotes in the..
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