Updated 10 days ago
- Age: 57 years
- ID: 40447025/38
155 North 400 West, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) is a non-profit corporation that exists to assure a reliable Bulk Electric System in the geographic area known as the Western Interconnection. WECC has been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the Regional Entity for the Western Interconnection. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) delegated some of its authority to create, monitor, and enforce reliability standards to WECC through a Delegation Agreement... WECC promotes bulk power system reliability and security in the Western Interconnection. WECC is the Regional Entity responsible for compliance monitoring and enforcement and oversees reliability planning and assessments. In addition, WECC provides an environment for the development of Reliability Standards and the coordination of the operating and planning activities of its members as set forth in the WECC Bylaws... Membership in WECC is open to all entities that meet the..
Also known as: Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Associated domains: wecc.biz