BRAIDWOOD - Key Persons

Adam Bryan

Job Titles:
  • Operating Executive ( CEO, COO, CFO )
Adam is an Operating Executive (CEO, COO, CFO) with a strong financial background who is committed to taking small and mid-size businesses to their next growth phase. He has spent his entire career working with major financial, data, information, publishing and software companies and was responsible for taking on the most challenging global assignments. Adam has successfully led senior management teams in the US, Australia, UK and Hong Kong and grown businesses in various market environments. His career is marked with creating new internal start-up businesses that created significant new income streams and enterprise value. He has been selected for the most difficult turnaround efforts. In all situations, Adam has been able to fully analyze the situation, make the corrective changes and created a business trajectory that led to sustainable and aggressive growth. His passion is to work with smaller businesses and helping them become major players.