David Harris

Job Titles:
  • IDOR Director

Doug O'Donnell

Job Titles:
  • Acting Commissioner

Nancy McClelland

Job Titles:
  • MAFM
  • Member of the Janes
  • the
Nancy McClelland CPA was nominated for inclusion as a Top 100 ProAdvisor of 2021 by Insightful Accountant - her second time! This group of professional bookkeepers and accountants has been a resource, salve and opportunity for mentorship like no other, especially during the most challenging year of our professional lives. These women put their clients first, helping them survive the financial struggles of the pandemic by providing knowledge and resources to access relief programs. Nancy has had the privileged position of being able to share her expertise in areas such as the PPP, ERC, and local/state/industry grants - as well as bookkeeping and tax ramifications of those programs - on a daily basis with members, as well as with targeted webinars. By sharing this information with a dedicated crew of small business bookkeepers and accountants, the relief has a wide reach, as every consultant caters to their own clientele. It has been a labor of love, and to have this hard work recognized in such a public way was a reward like no other. Nancy McClelland CPA was nominated for inclusion as a Top 100 ProAdvisor of 2019 by Insightful Accountant. The final list was published in May 2019 and reads like a who's-who of industry greats. It was an honor to be considered for a place among them.

Will Guzzardi

Job Titles:
  • Our State Representative