DATA - Key Persons

Abe Karnik

Job Titles:
  • Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK
My main interests are in exploring the motility aspects of data pixels which form data physicalizations. I am also interested in looking at the interaction and perceptual aspects of data physicalizations. Lastly, I wish to explore how data physicalizations can be extended for infographics.

Adrien Segal

Job Titles:
  • Professional Artist
Taking an interdisciplinary approach that integrates scientific research, data visualization, aesthetic interpretation, and materiality, my work seeks to reconcile scientific conventions of reason and fact with an intuitive sensory experience. My design method begins with extensive research, collection, and analysis of information. I interpret the complexity of natural systems by translating scientific data into lines, shapes, forms, and materials to reveal trends, patterns, processes, and relationships as three-dimensional sculptures.

Alberto Boem

Job Titles:
  • Media Artist and Researcher
  • Student, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Alberto Boem is a media artist and researcher. He investigates new metaphors, technologies, and concepts for promoting physical engagement and expression with the flow of the digital world. One of them is data physicalizations. Previously, he has worked on malleable interfaces for musical expression. Currently he is focusing on shape-changing interfaces and haptics at the Virtual Reality Lab, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Andrew Vande Moere

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium
Andrew is interested in exploring alternative ways of representing data to lay people, including data physicalizations and other non-visual renditions of data. In his academic research, he has already investigated distinct design approaches of how data can be meaningfully encoded as physical artifacts, and proposed the concept of ‘embodiment' to capture the metaphorical power of communicating data-supported meaning in the physical realm. In his current work, he investigates how (interactive) data physicalizations can be deployed in urban and public contexts to engage citizens in information-centric discussions. On his blog 'Information Aesthetics' (, he has curated various projects that demonstrate the power of data physicalization.

Ann McNamara

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at Texas a & M University, College Station, TX, USA
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Visualization at Texas A&M University. I am interested in leveraging the limitations of human perception for interactive experiences and data physicalization.

Aurélien Tabard

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor, Université Lyon 1, Lyon, France
I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Lyon, France. I am interested in personal informatics, and investigate how we relate to the wealth of digital traces we leave behind us: how we can control them but also how they can enrich our lives. Ongoing projects include: leveraging traces to develop and improve our digital skills by reflecting on past experiences, enabling users to better understand the traces they produce and developing tools to better control how traces are used. Physical representations of traces are a great way let people explore their past activity in an intimate manner.

Bathsheba Grossman

Job Titles:
  • Sculptor and Designer, Owner of CrystalProtein.Com, Somerville, MA, USA
At, Bathsheba Grossman uses subsurface laser etching to create images inside glass blocks. It's a visually striking and accessible way to present complex 3D models. Proteins and small molecules are a specialty, but all kinds of data are possible: we've created thousands of models from atomic orbitals to astronomical surveys.

Beat Signer

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Beat Signer has more than 15 years of experience in building interactive paper and tangible user interfaces. With his research group he recently introduced the idea of Tangible Holograms (TangHo) and is currently investigating how TangHo can be used for innovative forms of dynamic data physicalisation and interactive data exploration. He is further interested in developing a general framework supporting dynamic data physicalisation in collaborative human-information interaction.

Benjamin Gaulon

Job Titles:
  • Program Director MFA Design Technology Parsons Paris, France
As program director of a BFA Art, Media & Tech and a MFA Desing + Tech this is an amazing ressource for students and faculty.

Bernice Rogowitz

Job Titles:
  • Chief Scientist, Owner of Visual Perspectives Research and Consulting, Greater New York Area, USA
Perhaps the most unique characteristic of human perception is our exquisite abilities in visually-guided fine-motor control. Physicalizing data, and allowing it to be manipulated visually, opens new opportunities for data representation, analysis, and artistic creation. My colleague, Paul Borrel, and I have created novel haptic interfaces that allow humans to touch, shape, edit, and explore virtual representations of physical objects. Our work has produced three patents US 8,350,843, US 8,203,529 B2, and US 8487749 B2. Work from the first two patents was described at the HVEI Conference in 2008-- Virtual hand: a 3D tactile interface to virtual environments.

Bettina Nissen

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Researcher and Designer at Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Bettina Nissen is a designer and PhD researcher at Culture Lab, Newcastle University. With a background in product design, her work embeds digital fabrication within public data making activities translating digital information into tangible form as personal souvenirs, evocative objects and meaningful artefacts in order to engage new audiences in conversation, reflection and meaning making of data.

Biswaksen Patnaik

Job Titles:
  • Master 's Candidate, Human - Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland College Park, USA
I am interested in designing novel interaction paradigms for humans to interact with information. I am especially interested in building systems that employ multi-sensory interactions. Our current research on "Information Olfactation" explores the design space of smell to convey data.

Bruno Dumas

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Bruno Dumas works in multimodal interaction and information visualisation. As such, he is interested in the interaction aspect with visualisations, especially when using haptic and tangible interfaces. This naturally led him to have a keen interest on data physicalisation and especially how to interact with them.

Champika Ranasinghe

Job Titles:
  • Lecturer, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
Champika Ranasinghe investigates on systematizing the data encoding process of physicalizations. In this line, she is exploring on identifying physical variables related to different physical form, aligning them with perceptual variables and developing a common vocabulary that can be used by the designers and researchers. She also investigates ways of integrating data physicalizations to natural environments of users and explores the effective and non-complex use of off-the-shelf sensors and materials for enabling the development of such physicalizations.

Dan Lockton

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor, Imaginaries Lab, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I'm interested in developing ways for people to understand complex and invisible systems, from externalising their own mental models or mental imagery, to new forms of 'qualitative' interface for phenomena such as energy. Data physicalisation in its many forms is a big part of that. I also feel there are parallels with analogue computing which I'd love to explore further, practically.

Daniel K. Schneider

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at University of Geneva, Switzerland
I am interested in creating physical visualizations in educational and learning contexts, e.g. to demonstrate something or as medium for learners to express something. Physical visualization is related to my interest in digital design and fabrication.

Daniel Leithinger

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor at the ATLAS Institute and Department of Computer Science at CU Boulder
Daniel Leithinger builds actuated tangible interfaces and interactive shape displays. His research investigates how to dynamically transform the scale and modality of physical information representation, and how to support remote collaboration through physical telepresence. Together with his colleagues, Daniel has created the shape displays "Relief", "Recompose", "Sublimate", "inFORM" and "Transform".

David Verweij

David is a post-graduate research student (PhD) on Human-Computer Interaction for Digital Living at the Northumbria University in Newcastle. He is interested in Human-Computer Interaction with distributed data in everyday environments that supports or relieves human cognition in every ‘mundane' tasks. He is currently exploring Do-it-Together practises of visualizing 'live' data sources physically for everyday families and households - through the use of everyday materials and co-creative approaches. The development and outputs of this exploration are updated on

Deborah Lupton

Job Titles:
  • Centenary Research Professor, University of Canberra, Bruce, Australia
I am a sociologist interested in the sociocultural and political dimensions of digital technologies. One of my interests is digital data, and the ways in which people make sense of their personal data. I am interested in how they respond to various types of data materialisations, including data physicalisations. I have written chapters and articles on 3D printed self-replicas, the use of 3D printing in medicine and public health, and the ways in which people can 'feel' their data when engaging with data physicalisations.

Denton Fredrickson

Job Titles:
  • Sculpture and Media Art, Art Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Denton Fredrickson's artwork invites experiential and contemplative interactions with sound, objects, and architectural space. The seductive lure of both old and new wonders, fantastic inventions, and absurd theories are familiar territories for Fredrickson. He investigates their histories and representations in popular culture through media archaeology, experimental data visualization, and the practice of making. His recent interest in the intermingling of traditional, material-based processes with electronics and digital fabrication has led him to explore how speculative fiction can become awkwardly nestled within the psychology of the everyday.

Dietmar Offenhuber

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
My work focuses on visualization practices that involve material traces and the materiality of data collection. I am especially interested in autographic phenomena - processes of self-inscription that are relevant for environmental indicators and the construction of material evidence.

Doug McCune

Job Titles:
  • Artist and Software Developer in Oakland, CA USA
  • San Francisco Artist
Doug McCune is a San Francisco artist who embraces data exploration and map making in an attempt to come to terms with the chaos of urban environments. He experiments heavily with 3D printing and laser cutting to bring digital forms into physical space. He's a programmer by trade, an amateur cartographer, and a big believer in using data to understand the world. Deviant Cartography (2015) was the first solo show of Doug's physical map artwork. He blogs about both his art and his code at

Dr Graham Harwood

Job Titles:
  • Reader, Media Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London, YoHa ( Graham Harwood, Matusko Yokokoji ), Southend City, UK
Dr Graham Harwood is Convenor of the MA Digital Media, Data Visualisation at Goldsmiths, University of London. He also works with Matsuko Yokokoji as the artist group YoHa. Their work involves the use of art as a mode of enquiry into technical objects most recently within the fields of health, war, oceans and death. YoHa's inquiry is usually populated by an interconnection of technical objects and other kinds of bodies as in a clinic, hospital, battlefield or at sea. The focus of our enquiry is where the flows of power can be reconfigured by the ambiguity of art, not necessarily to make art but to make use of it within a wider enquiry.

Elise van den Hoven

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor in the School of Design at UTS, Sydney, Australia
Elise van den Hoven has a background in interaction design and HCI and her research spans aspects of human-computer interaction, design and psychology. More specifically her expertise lies in the field of tangible interaction (the use of physical objects with embedded electronics which can respond to people's actions) and in the application area of human remembering activities. She leads the international research program Materialising Memories, which aims to use design for improved reliving of personal memories. (For more information, see:

Eslam Nofal

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Eslam's main research interests are related to digital heritage, human-computer interaction, and emerging technologies (such as tangible interaction, and augmented and virtual realities). He focuses on designing, implementing and evaluating interactive systems that help users to gain insights and knowledge, in particular about communicating heritage information and enhancing visitors' engagement in museums and heritage environments. In his PhD (2015-2019 - KU Leuven), he developed the approach of "Phygital Heritage", which entails how heritage information can be disclosed via simultaneous and integrated physical and digital means. He collaborated with museums and cultural institutions, conducting several user studies, designing and experimenting interactive phygital prototypes.

Eva Hornecker

Job Titles:
  • Professor of HCI, Bauhaus - Universität Weimar, Germany
I have a general interest in tangible interfaces, user experience and social interactions. Regarding data physicalisation, I am interested in the subjective user experience of data physicalisation and in the social interaction these might engender and support, i.e. how these might be shareable in different ways than traditional visual representations. I work with Trevor Hogan, supervising his PhD project which focuses on the phenomenological user experience of different modalities for data representations.

Evandro Damião

Job Titles:
  • Science Enthusiast and Data Visualization Expert
Evandro Damião is a data science enthusiast and data visualization expert. Focused on bring life to data not only with Dataviz is positioning as a pioneer in Dataphys in Brazil.

Everardo Reyes

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at Université Paris 8, France
I am a member of the Paragraphe Lab at Paris 8 and also a member of the Software Studies Initiative. My research areas combine visual culture, digital media, and programming code as plastic element of media art. My interest on data physicalization regards transforming visual media into objects, for example motion structures.

Ewa Tuteja

Job Titles:
  • Artist, Berlin, Germany
I deal with data visualisation in different forms: static/ graphical, interactive and physical. But my deepest passion lies in hand-crafted objects. Above all I enjoy the process of gradual physical creation the most. My work is, in general, about using data to uncover patterns. More specifically it's about enabling understanding of a subject matter or a phenomenon through mediums that are engaging, e.g. because they are physically tangible or simply beautiful. It's about translating data into form. It's about bringing something abstract forth into "the real world".

Faramarz Samavati

Job Titles:
  • Professor at University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
I am a full professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. My main research focus is on Computer Graphics and Visualization. Specifically, I have made contributions to the area of modeling methods for 3D objects. In my research group we develop of example data physicalizations for geographical and medical data-sets.

Fariz Junaidi

Job Titles:
  • Communication Designer, Glasgow School of Art, Singapore
Fariz Junaidi's fascination for information visualisation stems from his personal experience interning at a French press agency as an infographic designer. His project "Data without Numbers" (link to Honours Paper) is an experimental, multi-disciplinary approach to transform day-to-day data collected in train stations into 5 interactive, fashion contraptions. These contraptions invites users to interact with it, allowing users to explore data not only through understanding numbers of data, but experiencing the pragmatic context of it.

Francesca Samsel

Job Titles:
  • Research Associate, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Trained as a sculptor who spent many years building large outdoor site-specific environmentally-focused sculpture, I now find myself building sculptettes out of clay, rice, wax, and other materials, attaching them to data with my computer science colleagues and watching them come to life on data about everything from water formation in the universe to the biogeochemistry of the ocean. Based in Austin, TX but often found in Los Alamos, NM where I have many science collaborations or on skype with the Sculpting Vis team from the University of Minnesota, I focus on environmental visualization aiming to show the value of humanizing data, providing engaging context that links the science to our daily lives.

Giles Lane

Job Titles:
  • Director, Proboscis, London, UK
Proboscis has been exploring data manifestation since 2012, growing out of previous work bridging the digital and physical since 2000. Our project "Lifestreams" expressed personal biosensor data as 3D-printed shells. We believe that expressing data in this way exposes a greater number of human senses in meaning making that traditional 2D visualisations can affect. By making data physical new kinds of relationships to knowledge can be triggered, informing alternative meanings and interpretations.

Hiroshi Ishii

Beyond Tangible Bits, Towards Radical Atoms. Tangible Bits seeks to realize seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical environment by giving physical form to digital information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible. Our goal is to invent new design media for artistic expression as well as for scientific analysis, taking advantage of the richness of human senses and skills - as developed through our lifetime of interaction with the physical world - as well as the computational reflection enabled by real-time sensing and digital feedback. Radical Atoms takes a leap beyond Tangible Bits by assuming a hypothetical generation of materials that can change form and properties dynamically, becoming as reconfigurable as pixels on a screen. Radical Atoms is the future material that can transform its' shape, conform to constraints, and inform the users of their affordances. Radical Atoms is a vision for the future of human-material interaction, in which all digital information has a physical manifestation so that we can interact directly with it.

Howard Kaplan

Job Titles:
  • Visualization Specialist, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
My research focuses on various academic practices utilizing 3d printing, fabrication and digital modeling technologies. The use of 3d applications, modeling, encoding, preparing, and printing digital models. Interdisciplinary approaches to developing 3d print ready models with added information in the form of accurate tactile visualizations. As an example one particular area of interest is in using 3d printing technology as an educational tool for blind and visually impaired learners.

Ian Gwilt

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Design, University of South Australia
For many people outside the scientific community statistical information and graphs remain abstract and unintelligible. My creative practice-based research investigates how we might begin to interpret technical/digital information through the creation of material-based physical objects, with the intention of bringing better understanding to scientific data for a variety of audiences.

Ingela Rossing

Job Titles:
  • Student WISE, Vrije University Brussels, Belgium
Since feb 2023, I am doing research on the design space of data physicalization at VUB in Brussels. My background is in visualisation and I am now happily spending time with psychophysics and interaction design.

Jason Alexander

Job Titles:
  • Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK
Jason is a Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction and has a background in hardware prototyping and empirical user evaluation. He is interested in the application of shape-changing displays to data physicalization and understanding how users will interact with such artefacts.

Jean Vanderdonckt

Job Titles:
  • Professor
I am interested in physicality as a quality property of a user interface to deform itself depending on imposing or relaxing constraints on it. These constraints could come from the user, the platform, the available bandwidth, the end user's task. Early efforts on the screen medium included FlexClock, a multi-platform application that displays time and date according to 16 possible layouts that are computed at run-time depending on window dimensions. FCPres PlastiXML PlastiXML is a graphical user interface editor allowing to define multiple layouts depending on window dimensions. PXPres.

Jeff Hemsley

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor in Syracuse University, USA
Data is ubiquitous. Understanding is not. Data exploration is best facilitated by keeping an open mind and trying different representations of the data. Unlike 2D plots, 3D virtual spaces, and data sonification, physical representation of data are unique in their ability to promote interactivity with data, and thus communicate the meaning within the data. You can see more of my work here.

Jennifer Payne

Job Titles:
  • Student, University of Calgary, Canada
Jennifer's past work in the realm of data physicalization includes the creation of several simple physical visualizations (some participatory), and a short study involving extruded bar charts. She is interested in the design of physical representations, exploring physical variables and examining ways in which physical representations differ from representations on-screen.

Jerome B. Wiesner

Job Titles:
  • Media Arts and Sciences, Associate Director of MIT Media Laboratory, Head of Tangible Media Group, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • Professor

Jimmy Hz Ricaut - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Diving in a sea of data is first an exploration. How to get deeper to retrieve meaningful information and explore new species? What underwater breathing apparatus should we develop for this journey into the depth of knowledge? Tangible interfaces could provide the right vehicles to access abstract datas in an intuitive, physical and spatial manner.

Jiyeon Kang

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Visualization Designer, MFA Design and Technology at Parsons School of Design, New York, United States
Jiyeon Kang is an NYC-based designer specialized in data visualization and branding. She focused on visualizing biometric data and researched on Quantified Self movement driven by self-tracking technologies during her master's studies in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in New York. Her thesis project Wearable Self is an attempt to create personalized fashion items by visualizing wearable users' activity data such as daily steps. In this age of big data, Wearable Self aims to create a deeper connection between the users and their self data. From visualizing data to digital fabrication technologies like 3d printing and laser cut, she created a data-driven jewelry collection that results in beautiful, translucent, acrylic necklaces and earrings using quantified self data gathered by health applications and wearable trackers. Her project has been showcased and introduced at various exhibitions and the annual Quantified Self conference in Amsterdam.

Johan Kildal

Job Titles:
  • Principal Researcher at Nokia TECH
  • Principal Researcher, Nokia Tech, Espoo, Finland
Johan Kildal is a Principal Researcher at Nokia TECH in Espoo, Finland. He specializes in multimodal interaction methods that facilitate non-visual interactions, focusing both on accessibility and mobile contexts. This includes audio-haptic interfaces, interaction with deformable interfaces (such as the Nokia Kinetic Device), and modelling the perceived physicality of material for the physical display of information, through techniques such as is 3D-Press and Kooboh.

John Fass

Job Titles:
  • Visiting Lecturer, Information Experience Design, Royal College of Art, London, UK

John Hardy

Job Titles:
  • Company Directory & Researcher at H & E Inventions LTD, Manchester, UK

Jose Duarte

Job Titles:
  • Colombian Designer
  • Designer, Colombia
Jose Duarte is a Colombian designer, magister in communication and an international speaker about the data visualization field. Unlike most of the infographics we see today, his data visualizations aren't high-quality computer-aided; they're handmade using simple items like balloons, tape and ruber balls. Using ordinary materials he has experimented with various visualization techniques from area charts to bubble graphs and ven diagrams in diverse scenarios as business, art, street interventions and even astronomy. Now, he is exploring simple ways to visualize information quickly and easily and his work - particularly the handmade visualization toolkit and the #easydataclip project - has inspired and encouraged people to approximate to data visualization for the very first time.

Juan Salamanca

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, USA
I am an interaction designer interested in the methods and reasoning for encoding numerical and categorical data in visual and tangible attributes of spatial elements that enable an embodied experience of what the data say. Data encoding is a design operation performed on conceptual spaces (Gärdenfors, 2014). Conceptual spaces are spatial structures expressed in terms of dimensions, distances, and regions that enable associations between the data points dwelling in such space. The use of conceptual spaces helps design researchers to collaborate with peers from the natural/applied sciences and humanities to demonstrate clusters and relationships amongst different dimensional systems to tell compelling stories about their findings. I develop custom-made libraries for network visualization to help visualize complex datasets in browsers and large murals with 2D, 3D, and augmented reality components.

Kasper Hornbæk

Job Titles:
  • Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
I am interested in shape-changing interfaces and how they should affect our understanding of concepts such as affordance, encoding, and interaction. I have been exploring this in the GHOST project. Identifying promising application areas for shape-change I also find important; data physicalization seems to be one such area. Many of the questions that concerns shape-change appear to apply also to data physicalization.

Kate McLean

My research addresses how the fragmentary and episodic nature of the smellscape might be explored, analysed and represented. It investigates how humanistic smelldata can be shared, how technologies might be used in the investigation and depiction of invisible and ephemeral sensory data - translating humanistic smellscape perceptions into spatio-temporal mappings.

Kellyann Geurts

Job Titles:

Kim Sauvé

Kim Sauvé is a PhD candidate in the Interactive Systems group at Lancaster University. Her research is in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with a focus on exploring the underlying principles of physicalization design. She specializes in Research Through Design, applying design practice and developing interactive research prototypes to generate new insights for human-data interaction.

Laura Perovich

My research takes an artistic systems-based approach to engaging communities with environmental issues through data physicalizations. I've created human-sized bar charts and data clothing to share results from in-home chemical testing with environmental health study participants. I'm currently focused on a project to help communities understand and improve water quality near local industries though collectively creating and visualizing this data on site and in real time.

Leanne Elias

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, Fine Arts, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
I am interested in how art and design can help people understand data. At our experimental lab we work with students and agricultural scientists to explore various physical manifestations of data, and then present the work to a larger public through exhibitions. We strive to combine traditional art-making materials and processes with new ones, and have worked with everything from interactive bar charts to weaving, from meticulously hand-drawn graphs to 3D printed data physicalizations, from crocheted data to electro-acoustic sound compositions.

Loren Madsen

Job Titles:
  • Self - Employed Artist, Northern California, USA
I started exploring data sculpture more than twenty years ago with the sculpture "CPI / Cost of Living", and still continue today with work such as "District 5". (see interview)

Luiz Morais

Luiz Morais is interested in the design and research on data physicalization, especially the development of physicalization activities and sustainable physicalizations.

Marije Kanis

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Marije Kanis' research interests lie at the intersection where human-computer interaction meets the physical world. Central to her research are uncovering human needs and making the invisible visible.

Mathieu Le Goc

Job Titles:
  • Researcher
Mathieu Le Goc is currently working on Dynamic Physical Visualisations, and more specifically developping new technologies to augment physicalizations. He is particularly interested in combinations of multiple objects to create physicalizations, like Bertin's Matrices. Promoting direct manipulations and leveraging human hands capabilities motivate his work, to invent new "beyond desktop" tangible interfaces.

Matteo Moretti

Job Titles:
  • Academic Researcher and Designer, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
Since I started my academic research path I focused on innovative way to inform a wider audience on complex topics in a more engaging way. Started with visual journalism online (here and here) my research interest is moving on participatory data physicalizations. Results such as the impact evaluation and the case study are embedded in conference papers.

Matthew Epler

Job Titles:
  • Creative Technologist, Deep Local, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I believe that tangible experiences are more impactful and that while not everyone can access a physical object, the knowledge of its existence in the physical realm gives it more weight.

Mieka West

Job Titles:
  • Visualization Designer, Calgary, Canada
I make handmade physicalizations in my spare time. I am a full time practitioner of data visualization. I have primarily visualized GHG emissions data, using repurposed materials. I have made a series of creatures that embody data and am interested in how this kind of representation can reach people.

Miguel Rodriguez

Job Titles:
  • Researcher and Interaction Designer, ABB, Västerås, Sweden
Miguel's research focuses on creating novel ways for interacting with biological and environmental sensor data. He is interested in finding new application domains for data physicalizations and experimenting with novel technologies for achieving interactive and dynamic physicalizations.

Moon-Hwan Lee

I am a design-oriented researcher. I investigate how an artifact becomes emotionally durable by using data visualization. The work that I explored was using the concept of patinas as a way of data visualization. As natural patinas enhance emotional and aesthetic qualities of an artifact, it would be possible to use such concept to design digital products and systems.

Nick Dulake

Job Titles:
  • Senior Industrial Designer, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
Nick Dulake is a Senior Industrial Designer at Design Futures/lab4living @ Sheffield Hallam University. I work across diverse market sectors, applying a user centred and co-design methodology approach to create innovative design solutions. I have a broad experience of applying technical and creative design methods and developing interventions with a focus on Data Physicalization.

Pau Garcia

Job Titles:
  • Researcher and Visual Designer, Leader of the Studio Domestic Data Streamers, Barcelona, Spain
Data changes the way we see our world. We can learn more from ourselves and nature surrounding us than ever before in human history. For this reason, we need new tools to reach and translate this information into a universal language. Domestic Data Streamers is a team of developers from Barcelona that have taken on the challenge of transforming raw data into interactive systems and experiences. With a background in new media and interaction design they play in the boundaries of arts, science and sociology to make new data languages. The team was created in October 2013 and since then has been working doing installations for several national and international museums and cultural institutions including the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Smart City Expo or Academy of Science of California.

Pauline Gourlet

Job Titles:
  • Student, Université Paris 8 - EnsadLab, Paris, France

Payam Ebrahimi

Job Titles:
  • Student, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Petra Isenberg

Job Titles:
  • Permanent Research Scientist, Inria, Gif - Sur - Yvette, France
I am interested in finding out how physical visualizations can aid groups in making sense of data. This includes studying how groups think with physical visualizations but also how they can interact, share, and disseminate physical data.

Pierre Dragicevic

Job Titles:
  • Permanent Research Scientist, Inria, Gif - Sur - Yvette, France
Together with Yvonne Jansen, Pierre Dragicevic has been promoting data physicalization as a research area and curating a list of physical visualizations. He is interested in how manipulable representations of data can augment human cognition. He is also interested in tracing back the origins of data visualization by examining physical artefacts made throughout history, and in imagining how future humans will interact with data through programmable matter.

Renata Raidou

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
I am interested in data physicalization in the context of anatomical education and edutainment (see this and this example). Together with my team, I am researching novel design strategies for the computer assisted generation of data sculptures, which represent medical imaging data (such as CT, MRI, or segmentations thereof). Our strategies revolve around making medical imaging data more comprehensible for layman users through interactive data sculptures, which are affordable and easy to assembly.

René Rieger

Job Titles:
  • Communication and Information Designer in Munich, Germany
During a master's programme in information design I researched how the haptics can be used to expand the communicative abilities of graphic design. This was grounded in a developing neglection of the digital in earlier projects and involved the exploration of materials, surfaces and haptic perception for their potential to convey data.

Rohit Khot

My PhD work explores the engaging qualities of physical representations to support the experience of being physically active. I put forward a new perspective on understanding physical activity through material artifacts that embody personal data to offer new ways of engaging with physical activity. My overall aim is to advocate and build an autotopography of personalised artifacts to create a lasting expression of our lives for the generations to come. I am also interested in using food as a material for data physicalization.

Rosa van Koningsbruggen

Job Titles:
  • Student, Bauhaus - Universität Weimar, Germany

Roxana Karam

Job Titles:
  • Student in Architecture, University of Edinburgh, UK
My research lies in the intersection of data and human interactions. I tend to read, analyze, represent the personal data resources through conducting narratives and scenarios. I am interested in creative data practices in design. Recently I have designed a workshop brief for creative learning festival at the university of Edinburgh which is titled: 3D Blochchain. 3D Blockchain is a big data physicalization on the emerging Blockchain and digital economy. Participants will experience a cross-disciplinary creative process focussing on digital practices and economies. This event will specifically focus on computational design, digital fabrication and sustainable practice models within the creative economy.

Samuel Huron

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique De Paris, Palaiseau, France
Samuel Huron is actively working on visual representation design for non infovis expert people. He is interested in understanding the different paradigm in which human design and externalize visual representation of abstract information. To understand these phenomenon he observe how non expert people construct visual representations of data using various media, i.e., how people create, manipulate and communicate abstract information in graphical and tangible ways.

Sandra Bae

Job Titles:
  • Student, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Sandra Bae is a Ph.D. student at the ATLAS Institute at CU Boulder. She is interested in how physical artifacts can aid in analytical insight and also how we might use data as a material to design for the myriad of life (e.g., the clothes we wear, the objects we use, the environment we inhabit).

Sarah Hayes

Job Titles:
  • Researcher, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland
I am interested in exploring applications for data physicalization - specifically, for enhancing learning and engagement with science and technology subjects. My research involves exploring and designing novel physicalizations, and evaluating their use within different learning contexts, both formal and informal.

Scott Kildall

Job Titles:
  • New Media and Visual Artist
I am an artist who writes software code that transforms datasets into physical form as sculptures and art installations. The overriding question I am asking is: What does data look like? I frequently collaborate with scientists to look at how we can address concerns of social justice with art + data.

Sean Follmer

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science ( by Courtesy ), Stanford University, USA
Shape Changing User Interfaces. Enabling technologies such as actuated pin displays, swarm user interfaces, and soft robotics for shape change. Dynamic Physical Data visualization.

Selim Balcısoy

Job Titles:
  • Lab Director - Faculty Member, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

Sheelagh Carpendale

Job Titles:
  • Full Professor, University of Calgary, Canada
Sheelagh's research focuses on information visualization, interaction design, and qualitative empirical research, with an increasing focus on the design of data representations, which is leading to exploration of data physicalization. By studying how people interact with information both in work and social settings, she works towards designing more natural, accessible and understandable interactive visual representations of data.

Simon Stusak

Simon is a PhD-Candidate at the University of Munich (LMU) and the working-title of his thesis is "Exploring the potential of Physical Visualizations". He focuses is on static physical visualizations and studies their possible benefits, for example regarding memorability or motivation. In general he is interested the interplay between physical and traditional digital visualizations, their individual strengths and how they could complement one another.

Stephanie Zeller

Job Titles:
  • Student at University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
My research to date focuses broadly on innovative climate change and earth systems data visualization methodologies, including data physicalization, materiality, and embodied cognition through the lens of new materialism; human geography and creative place-making; color theory; scientific communication; public and museum installations; and trans-disciplinary evaluation. I'm interested in community-based, co-created, climate-focused data physicalization that functions as both an epistemological and a communications tool. Researchgate Instagram

Stephen Barrass

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor, University of Canberra, Australia
Stephen Barrass studies Acoustic Data Sonification. An Acoustic Sonification is an object that has been both physically and acoustically shaped by a data set specifically to produce sounds that may provide information about the dataset. For example the Hypertension Singing Bowl is a Tibetan singing bowl shaped by a year of blood pressure readings. The HRTF bells were shaped from Head Related Transfer Functions of the left and right ear pinnae. Stephen's Acoustic Sonifications will be exhibited at the Currents New Media Festival in Santa Fe in June.

Steven Houben

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor in Physical Computing, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
I am Assistant Professor in Physical Computing at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). My research focuses on physical and ubiquitous computing systems and explores new ways of physicalizing human-data interaction to support "from sensor to physicalization". I explore and study new co-creation processes, concepts, interaction paradigms, and data embodiments for human-data/AI interaction.

Tara Richerson

Job Titles:
  • Supervisor for Data and Assessment, Tumwater School District, Tumwater WA USA
I started building interactive data walls in 2016. I use fabric, paper, string, wood, metal, and other basic materials to display data that we don't typically use, such as how meeting spaces are used or the words used in report card comments. I have been working with educators in other districts to build their own data walls. I hope to extend my project to involve community, parent, and student organizations.

Thomas Perivolas

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Lab Manager
The emlyon makers'lab is organizing a Bootcamp. 4 intensive days to discover Data Physicalization, divided in 3 workshops: Understanding and manipulating data (data literacy), Materialize data in 2D (using P5.js) and Materialize 3D data (using our prototyping like : 3D printers, numerical embroidering machine, axydraws). On the 4th day people will elaborate a collaborative work that we will exhibit in the makers'labs!"

Trevor Hogan

Job Titles:
  • Lecturer, Crawford College of Art and Design, CIT, Ireland. PhD Candidate, Bauhaus - Universität Weimar, Germany
Trevor is a lecturer in interactive digital media and an external PhD candidate at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. The aim of his research is to describe and better understand how embodiment influences and augments an audience's experience of data representations. He explores, through creative practice, whether embodying data in alternative modalities contributes to an audience's capacity to construct meaning and empathize with the data source. Trevors work is strongly interdisciplinary and may be situated in the field of interactive design, at the intersection of tangible computing, human-computer interaction, information science and psychology. The current focus of his work involves exploring new approaches to design and evaluation that help us to describe how people respond when they touch, feel, hear, hold, or even possess data.

Volker Schweisfurth

Job Titles:
  • Artist and Owner of MeliesArt, Düsseldorf, Germany
On global and business topics, MeliesArt transforms conclusions of strategic studies and their data into 3D printed dataSculptures. The focus is not only on making statistics tangible and introduce them an add-on for presentations, but to create "decision support physicalization" by combining suitable risk/chance parameters in the models (as an example see this data sculpture). The website shows many models of mine. Currently, I am studying ways to make models smarter by adding sort of intelligence to them that can be queried. Another issue is better resolution, textures, materials and observing potential new features in the physicalization context (like haptics, pulsation, light emission).

Wesley Willett

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Canada
Wes's research focuses on tools and strategies to support social data analysis, with a particular emphasis on personal and community data. His interests include exploring physical interfaces and interactions that support comparison, reflection, and in-context analysis, as well as envisioning future tools for collecting and exploring data.

Yvonne Jansen

Job Titles:
  • CNRS Researcher at Université Pierre Et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Yvonne Jansen is one of the curators of the list of physical visualizations and the admin of this wiki. She is interested in the long tradition of physical data representations and the many ways in which they are used today. Her research focuses on how people engage, perceive, and interact with data physicalizations, and on how to merge the benefits of physicality with the power of computation.