DEQAR - History of Changes

2024-09-10 delete person Aleksandar Šušnjar
2024-07-08 delete president Horia Onița
2024-07-08 delete treasurer Horia Onita
2024-07-08 delete person Horia Onita
2024-07-08 delete person Horia Onița
2024-06-05 delete otherexecutives Annelies Traas
2024-06-05 delete treasurer Jakub Grodecki
2024-06-05 insert otherexecutives Anna Gover
2024-06-05 insert treasurer Horia Onita
2024-06-05 insert vp Maria Kelo
2024-06-05 delete person Goran Dakovic
2024-06-05 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-05 insert person Anna Gover
2024-06-05 update person_title Annelies Traas: Communications Officer => Acting Head of the Secretariat
2024-06-05 update person_title Horia Onita: null => Treasurer
2024-06-05 update person_title Jakub Grodecki: Treasurer => null
2024-06-05 update person_title Maria Kelo: Maria Kelo Is Director of the Institutional Development Unit ( EUA ) => Is Director of the Institutional Development Unit ( EUA ); Vice - President
2024-03-31 delete otherexecutives Magalie Soenen
2024-03-31 delete otherexecutives Melinda Szabó
2024-03-31 delete personal_emails
2024-03-31 delete vp Horia Onița
2024-03-31 insert personal_emails
2024-03-31 insert president Horia Onița
2024-03-31 delete address Aarlenstraat 22 Rue d'Arlon 1050 Brussels Belgium
2024-03-31 delete email
2024-03-31 delete email
2024-03-31 delete person Magalie Soenen
2024-03-31 delete person Melinda Szabó
2024-03-31 insert address Nijverheidsstraat 10 Rue de l'Industrie 1000 Brussels Belgium
2024-03-31 insert email
2024-03-31 insert email
2024-03-31 insert person Giorgi Munjishvili
2024-03-31 update person_description Horia Onita => Horia Onita
2024-03-31 update person_description Horia Onița => Horia Onița
2024-03-31 update person_title Horia Onița: Vice President => President
2024-03-31 update primary_contact Aarlenstraat 22 Rue d'Arlon 1050 Brussels Belgium => Nijverheidsstraat 10 Rue de l'Industrie 1000 Brussels Belgium
2023-07-27 delete personal_emails
2023-07-27 insert chairman Stéphane Lauwick
2023-07-27 insert president Stéphane Lauwick
2023-07-27 delete email
2023-07-27 delete person Izabela Suika
2023-07-27 delete person Jacques Lanarès
2023-07-27 insert email
2023-07-27 insert person Inga Lapina
2023-07-27 insert person Lewis Purser
2023-07-27 insert person Sandra Bezjak
2023-07-27 insert person Stéphane Lauwick
2023-07-27 update person_description Anita Līce => Inga Lapiņa
2023-07-27 update person_title Eltjo Bazen: QA Advisor at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht => QA Advisor at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht; Chief Product Owner Quality Assurance at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
2023-07-27 update person_title Inga Lapiņa: Manager of the Education and Employment Field at the Employers' Confederation of Latvia; Adviser to the Minister of Education => Inga Lapiņa Is a Professor and Vice - Dean for Study at the Riga Technical University ( RTU )
2023-06-25 delete treasurer John Edwards
2023-06-25 insert treasurer Jakub Grodecki
2023-06-25 delete person John Edwards
2023-06-25 insert person Jakub Grodecki
2023-06-25 insert person Tatjana Volkova
2023-06-25 update person_title Maria Kelo: Director of the Institutional Development Unit => Maria Kelo Is Director of the Institutional Development Unit ( EUA )
2023-05-25 insert otherexecutives Magalie Soenen
2023-05-25 delete person Pedro Teixeira
2023-05-25 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2023-05-25 insert email
2023-05-25 insert person Magalie Soenen
2023-05-25 update person_title Vanja Ivošević: Deputy Member; Senior Expert => Deputy Member
2023-01-02 insert projects_pages_linkeddomain
2022-10-31 insert personal_emails
2022-10-31 insert email
2022-10-31 insert person Blazhe Todorovski
2022-09-28 delete treasurer Goran Daković
2022-09-28 delete vp Jakub Grodecki
2022-09-28 insert treasurer John Edwards
2022-09-28 insert vp Goran Daković
2022-09-28 insert vp Horia Onița
2022-09-28 delete person Jakub Grodecki
2022-09-28 insert person Horia Onița
2022-09-28 update person_title Goran Daković: Treasurer => Vice - President
2022-09-28 update person_title John Edwards: Secretary General => Secretary General; Treasurer
2022-08-25 insert otherexecutives Melinda Szabó
2022-08-25 update person_title Melinda Szabó: Senior Policy Analyst => Deputy Director
2022-05-24 delete person Michal Karpíšek
2022-05-24 delete person Tia Loukkola
2022-05-24 insert person John Edwards
2022-05-24 insert person Maria Kelo
2022-03-23 update person_description Tia Loukkola => Tia Loukkola
2022-03-23 update person_title Tia Loukkola: Is Director for the Institutional Development Unit, Which Encompasses Various Activities - Such As IEP and EUA 's Council for Doctoral Education - => null
2021-10-01 delete person Andrea Blättler
2021-10-01 insert person Aleksandar Šušnjar
2021-10-01 update person_description Beate Treml => Beate Treml
2021-10-01 update person_title Beate Treml: Master; Vice - Chair => Vice - Chair
2021-05-28 delete treasurer Michal Karpíšek
2021-05-28 insert treasurer Goran Daković
2021-05-28 insert vp Jakub Grodecki
2021-05-28 insert person Pedro Teixeira
2021-05-28 update person_description Jakub Grodecki => Jakub Grodecki
2021-05-28 update person_title Goran Daković: null => Treasurer
2021-05-28 update person_title Jakub Grodecki: Vice President of the European Students' Union => Vice - President
2021-05-28 update person_title Michal Karpíšek: Secretary General; Treasurer => Secretary General
2021-04-07 insert person Jakub Grodecki
2021-04-07 update person_description Tia Loukkola => Tia Loukkola
2021-01-29 delete person Gemma Rauret Dalmau
2021-01-29 insert person Pooja Venkatesh
2020-07-10 delete treasurer Gohar Hovhannisyan
2020-07-10 delete vp Maria Kelo
2020-07-10 insert treasurer Michal Karpíšek
2020-07-10 insert vp Tia Loukkola
2020-07-10 delete person Maria Kelo
2020-07-10 insert email
2020-07-10 insert person Aleksandra Zhivkovikj
2020-07-10 insert person Goran Dakovic
2020-07-10 insert person Goran Daković
2020-07-10 update person_title Gohar Hovhannisyan: Treasurer => null
2020-07-10 update person_title Michal Karpíšek: Secretary General => Secretary General; Treasurer
2020-07-10 update person_title Tia Loukkola: Director for the Institutional Development Unit => Vice - President; Director for the Institutional Development Unit
2020-06-03 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-03 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-03 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-03 delete email
2020-04-03 delete person Jelena Šantić
2020-02-02 delete personal_emails
2020-02-02 delete email
2020-02-02 delete person Kathryn Máthé
2019-12-03 insert otherexecutives Annelies Traas
2019-12-03 update person_title Anita Līce: Manager of the Education and Employment Field at the Employers' Confederation of Latvia; Adviser to the Minister of Education; Vice - Chair => Manager of the Education and Employment Field at the Employers' Confederation of Latvia; Adviser to the Minister of Education
2019-12-03 update person_title Annelies Traas: Events and Communications Officer => Communications Officer
2019-12-03 update person_title Beate Treml: Master => Master; Vice - Chair
2019-12-03 update person_title Melinda Szabó: Policy Analyst => Senior Policy Analyst
2019-11-03 insert person Thomas Blanc de la Carrere
2019-10-03 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-08-04 delete treasurer Tia Loukkola
2019-08-04 delete vp Michal Karpíšek
2019-08-04 insert treasurer Gohar Hovhannisyan
2019-08-04 insert vp Maria Kelo
2019-08-04 update person_title Gohar Hovhannisyan: null => Treasurer
2019-08-04 update person_title Maria Kelo: Director of the European Association for Quality Assurance => Director of the European Association for Quality Assurance; Vice - President
2019-08-04 update person_title Michal Karpíšek: Vice - President; Secretary General => Secretary General
2019-08-04 update person_title Tia Loukkola: Treasurer; Director for the Institutional Development Unit => Director for the Institutional Development Unit
2019-07-04 delete ceo Ann Verreth
2019-07-04 delete chairman Freddy Coignoul
2019-07-04 delete person Ann Verreth
2019-07-04 delete person Freddy Coignoul
2019-07-04 delete person Mindaugas Misiunas
2019-07-04 delete person Mindaugas Misiūnas
2019-07-04 insert person Jacques Lanarès
2019-07-04 insert person Patricia Georgieva
2019-07-04 update person_description Eltjo Bazen => Eltjo Bazen
2019-06-03 update person_description Andrea Blättler => Andrea Blättler