Updated 179 days ago
TALENT VENTURE GROUP POSTBOX 3053 Ort 103 61 Stockholm, Sweden
Future Talent Council is a global think tank and talent intelligence community bringing together employers, educators and policymakers to discuss and rethink the future of work, policy and education. Our purpose is to help improve human capability and opportunity around the world by connecting global thought-leaders and provide and generate up-to-date, relevant insights and unfiltered advice... Future Talent Council's purpose is to help improve human capability and opportunity around the world. The ecosystem's focus on supporting, enabling and developing capability-building refers to every fellow human's access to quality education, and to learning throughout life. Alongside professional opportunities and safe, and fulfilling work... Future Talent Council supports its members, and coalitions with practical connections, insights, activities, solutions, and ideas. The organization is operating a "member priority" methodology dictating that every investment, research effort and..
Also known as: Future Talent Council AB
Associated domains: futuretalentcouncil.com