HENRY ELLIOTT & COMPANY - History of Changes

2022-02-10 delete person Christine Wyse
2022-02-10 update person_title Chris Daniels: Office Manager; Operations Manager => Operations Manager
2022-02-10 update person_title Mary Pion: Principal Account Manager and Technical Recruiter => Vice President Account Development & Recruiting
2022-02-10 update person_title Robbyn Toubekis: Controller; Operations Manager => Controller
2021-08-31 insert person Christine Wyse
2021-08-31 insert person Sarah Feldman
2021-06-19 update person_title Chris Daniels: Office Manager => Office Manager; Operations Manager
2021-04-21 delete person Tom Logiudice
2021-01-30 delete person Lydia Borenstein
2021-01-30 insert person Tom Logiudice
2020-06-25 delete person Joanne Wyckoff
2020-06-25 insert person Chris Daniels
2020-04-25 delete person Laurie Moynihan
2019-04-20 update person_title Anne Steverman: Senior Account Manager and Technical Recruiter - 1995 to 2003, 2008 to Present => Principal Account Manager and Technical Recruiter - 1995 to 2003, 2008 to Present
2019-04-20 update person_title Joyce Habalow: Account Manager - 2011 to Present => Senior Account Manager - 2011 to Present
2019-04-20 update person_title Lydia Borenstein: Account Manager / Technical Recruiter - 2010 to Present => Senior Account Manager / Technical Recruiter - 2010 to Present
2017-05-13 insert person Joanne Wyckoff
2017-05-13 update person_description Laurie Moynihan => Laurie Moynihan
2017-05-13 update person_title Laurie Moynihan: Office & Marketing Manager - 2009 to Present => Senior Marketing Analyst - 2009 to Present
2014-11-04 delete person David Koplan