MYCAFFE - Key Persons

Dave Brown - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
SignalPop LLC was founded by Dave Brown, its CEO, deep in the wind swept straights of the Columbia River Gorge between Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood. Inspired by the open-source deep learning CAFFE framework developed by Berkeley AI Research (BAIR), Dave originally used its source code example to learn how to use the NVIDIA cuDnn libraries. Since CAFFE was made for expression, speed and modularity, with the vision to open its framework to a much greater developer audience, Dave set out to expand its reach and re-wrote the entire source base (including all automated tests) in the Windows C# language. Thus the open-source MyCaffe was born creating a full AI development platform for Windows developers. As a contributor to the Microsoft\OnnxRuntime open-source project, Dave is continually looking for ways to extend the reach of MyCaffe to new and exciting areas within the AI field.