Gwendolyn D. Wilson

Gwendolyn D. Wilson is a visionary, business strategist, author, entrepreneur, speaker and inventor. She is a mission-driven, passionate change agent who believes that transformation is an essential and invaluable tool for growth, wisdom and success. She worked for several global NGOs with missions to educate, empower, and encourage entrepreneurs and small businesses by developing collaborative solutions for their long-term sustainability and success. Her work experience inspired a new love for business development and change management to fulfill her personal business goals to help entrepreneurs struggling to make their vision a reality. Gwendolyn acquired a MBA from Norwich University with emphasis on change and strategic management. She launched her first business, Champs Professional Services more than fifteen years ago, an enterprise created to support small businesses and startups with incorporation, leadership training, accounting, financial management and tax services. Gwendolyn recently wrote her first book Turning Point: Answering the Entrepreneur's Call to challenge every dreamer, entrepreneur, visionary and leader to take a leap of faith and pursue your dreams with fervor. The author believes we were born to fulfill our distinctively unique purpose in life. Within each of us are seeds of greatness: the ability to create, build and transform to solve problems, change lives and our world. She firmly believes that we can learn from one another mistakes and successes. In her book, she shares her challenges, insights, struggles, wisdom and successes to empower others. Currently, Gwendolyn is the CEO, founder of Turning Point Solutions, an organization created out of her great passion for empowering, inspiring and impacting leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries to ignite their passion, rev-up their distinctive power and pursue their dreams.