Updated 159 days ago
- Age: 32 years
- ID: 40980033/46
PO Box 901,Lafayette, CA 94549
The National Suicide Prevention Directory (NSPD) was developed to be the most comprehensive list of U. S. suicide prevention/crisis intervention centers available on the Internet. The NSPD was primarily established to be a national deterrent to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) youth suicide. Since its inception, the NSPD has received tens of thousands of hits per month, which translates into it having been a significant deterrent to suicide in the United States of America during its existence, (naturally extrapolating to such prevention in the rest of the world's human population)... In mid-1996, Rev. Michaele de Cygne was walking out onto her front porch, in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, CA. In her hands was a newspaper article about a local lesbian teen who had (then) recently committed suicide. Being a researcher, and the Executive Director of a charitable trust, she went to research the availability of online crisis line info, and found there only a few at that..
Also known as: The MÈRE Project