Alain Gauthier - President

Job Titles:
  • President
  • Regional President
This spring was Alain Gauthier's 40 th as a maple producer. That means he has borne full witness to the evolution of the industry but, more importantly, he took part in it, making him one of the great builders of what it is today. When Alain Gauthier and his brothers started their business in the early 1980s, maple production was obviously not what it is today. He joined the maple movement to improve conditions for producers. But he had no idea that he would find himself in the middle of momentous battles and that he would contribute to the signing of the joint plan.

Antonio Nappi - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Accountant

Benoît Quintal

Job Titles:
  • Regional President

Dany Fortier

It's a few kilometres from Chesterville to Saint-Christophe d'Arthabaska, then some 50 kilometres more to Saint-Pierre-Baptiste in the Centre-du-Québec region. This is the path Dany Fortier takes most days as he tends to his maple operation. "Sure, it'd be nice to have it all in one stand, but you don't always get what you want," says Dany, with determination.

David Hall

Job Titles:
  • Regional President
  • 2 Nd Vice - President, Montérégie - Est

David Marino

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Director, Promotions and Market Development

Francis Roy

Job Titles:
  • Regional President
  • 4 Th Executive Member, Beauce / See Bio

François Roberge

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Ghislain Leblond

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Guillaume Provost

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Director, Marketing

Guy Breault

Job Titles:
  • Regional President

Isabelle Lapointe

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
  • Member of the Management Team
  • Finances and Marketing
  • New Owners

Jean Dumont

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Jean-François Touchette

Job Titles:
  • Regional President

Jean-Philippe Carrier

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Jonathan Blais - President

Job Titles:
  • President
  • Regional President

Josée Tardif

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Joël Larrivée - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President
He heads the Estrie region for its maple syrup producers, but it's by no means his introduction to the way of life. Joël Larrivée is part of the 3 rd generation of his family on their sugar bush at Saint-Adrien-de-Ham. "I was even born during sugaring season," he laughs. Joël Larrivée speaks of his parents as innovators, one of the first in the region to use tubing and an osmosis unit. "Back then, you couldn't get that kind of equipment here. They bought it in Ontario," he explains. He grew up in the sugar bush. "When I was 14, I helped my dad set up the operation around our home." Joël Larrivée is not only a full-time maple producer. From 2016 until 2020, he's been president of the Syndicat de Producteurs et productrices acéricoles de l'Estrie. Before that, he was the region's administrator. "I started by going to meetings for information, especially about the quotas. One thing led to another and I got more and more involved, volunteering as administrator and finally becoming president."

Joël Vaudeville - CCO

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Director, Communications

Justin Plourde

Job Titles:
  • Regional President
  • 1 St Vice - President, Bas - Saint - Laurent - Gaspésie

Kevin Gauthier

Job Titles:
  • Plant Manager
  • Warehouse and Inventory Management

Luc Goulet - President

Job Titles:
  • President

Lynda Deschênes

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Marc-Olivier Bessette

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Martin Guay - VP

Job Titles:
  • Regional President
  • Vice - President
  • 5 Th Executive Member, Côte - Du - Sud / See Bio
Martin has been vice-president of the Côte-du-Sud regional chapter for four years, becoming involved when a fellow producer suggested it. He did so without hesitation. In fact, he was quite happy, seeing the opportunity to understand what decisions were being made and why. "I like being in the discussions and understanding what's going on." Furthermore he's gratified by the feeling that he's making a difference and helping his peers. Humbly he says, "By getting involved, I know I can help producers. The reward is feeling useful!"

Mylène Gagnon

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Normand Foisy

Job Titles:
  • Regional President

Pascale Grothé

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Associate Director, Producer and Quotas Service
  • Pascale
  • Producer and Quota Service
Our dedicated staff has maple in its veins and a mandate to defend the interests of Québec's 13,500 maple producers by applying QMSP's many marketing tools: the joint plan, sales agency, marketing agreements, the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, and regulations including those governing quotas. They also provide services to members, help put local maple producers in a position to succeed, and promote Québec maple syrup, notably through the development of new markets.

Québec Maple

Québec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP) as well as Maple from Canada brand is actively involved with communities in the regions of the province, encouraging initiatives that develop modern 21 st Century maple syrup production and products.

Réjeanne Alain

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Associate Director, IT

Simon Doré-Ouellet

Job Titles:
  • Deputy General Manager
  • Member of the Management Team

Stéphanie Desrosiers

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Sylvain Bernier

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator
  • Director, Regulations

Vincent Boutin

Job Titles:
  • Regional President

Xavier Lacoste

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Éric Bouchard - President

Job Titles:
  • President
  • Regional President
Go to the rural municipality of Hérouxville and you will find the maple operation called Parcelles de soleil, roughly translated as "Place in the Sun." It was there, in 1995, that two new graduates of the agriculture school in Saint-Hyacinthe, Éric Bouchard and Isabelle Thiffeault, bought his grandfather's land. Their dream was to keep up the family farming tradition, including 1,000 maple taps. "At the beginning, we wanted to grow vegetables and did that for many years. But, with 6 kids, we decided to go all in on maple production and processing."