James Hendy

Job Titles:
  • Director of Programs
If you've used SOS Safe Ride, chances are that you've likely met James over the phone! James Hendy is our incredible Director of Programs and managing officer for the SOS Safe Ride program who oversees all of the operations in dispatch and volunteering for the program's nightly endeavors. An invaluable asset to our team, James is a natural-born leader that is a key part in helping our organization perform and expand its mission efficiently.

Laurel Caurvina

Job Titles:
  • Director of Fundraisng
Laurel Caurvina is the young, inspired, and extremely talented Fundraising director of the Safe Ride Foundation. Owner of Churchill Auto Care in Frederick, Laurel is no stranger to vehicular safety and continuously brings her talents and unique skills to our organization. Laurel was the 2018 Volunteer of the Year for the Safe Ride Foundation and we were always so impressed and humbled by her dedication to our cause; so much so, that it was only fitting that the foundation added her talents to our board of directors.

Meray Ghobrial

Originally from Syracuse, New York, Meray Ghobrial is currently studying marketing and communications as a junior at Hood College. With her degree and background in marketing and management, Meray hopes to continue to work in the nonprofit sector after college. You can find her downtown every other Friday night at our "Pump Your Breaks" booth where she's giving out free breathalyzer tests to bar-goers.

Mike Young

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Director of Programs
Mike Young started with us as a volunteer driver back in 2022, and since then he's quickly become one of our MVP team members. As of 2023, Mike is now serving as the assistant manager of SOS Safe Ride, and will be one of the friendly voices you hear on the phone when calling for a ride. We love to see our volunteers, staff, and board members grow along with us, and we congratulate (and thank) Mike for taking on this responsibility with us. Mike Young started with us as a volunteer driver back in 2022, and since then he's quickly become one of our MVP team members. As of 2023, Mike is now serving as the assistant manager of SOS Safe Ride, and will be one of the friendly voices you hear on the phone when calling for a ride. We love to see our volunteers, staff, and board members grow along with us, and we congratulate (and thank) Mike for taking on this responsibility with us.

Molly Connelly

Job Titles:
  • Director of Volunteering
If you've volunteered with Safe Ride recently, you've likely met Molly's friendly voice over the phone. Molly Connelly is currently Serving as our Director of Volunteering, as part of her Psychology Internship at Mount St. Mary's University. Molly helps our organization to recruit, facilitate, and train volunteers from every walk of life, and is important to our overall cultural movment here at the Safe Ride Foundation.

Stephanie Carrillo

Job Titles:
  • Director of Executive Affairs
Our Director of Executive Affairs, Stephanie Carrillo, is seasoned in non-profits and digital marketing, with a genuine love for the arts and a giving spirit. She adeptly guides our organization's strategies, enriching them with a harmonious blend of creativity and innovation. As a young entrepreneur herself, she not only excels in her professional role but also seeks to inspire others with her journey. This unique combination of skills and passions makes her one of the guiding forces behind our organization's success, ensuring that we stay on the path to a sweet and melodious future.

Wayne Dorsey - Chairman, Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Founder
  • President
Wayne Dorsey is the freakishly tall Founder & Chairman of The Safe Ride Foundation. Originally founding the organization at the young age of 23, he is Frederick's quintessential "social entrepreneur". Wayne hails from Charles Town, West Virginia, and graduated from West Virginia University with his Bachelor's in Computer Engineering. In his spare time he is also an avid skateboarder, musician, Jiu Jistu student, wrestling fanatic, and professional Stand-up Comedian. Wayne founded this organization with a purpose, to eradicate drunk driving in the area that he grew up in; with his interpersonal skills and savvy business sense, Dorsey's vision gives this organization direction and he is committed to having our mission find its way into the hearts and minds of all Frederick County citizens.