Helga Taylor

Job Titles:
  • Non Exec Finance Director
Having worked for PwC, KPMG, Rolls Royce and Lloyds Helga is a diamond asset to the team. Bringing with her oodles of finance expertise and skill. Helga has also been on her own journey to transforming her health. As a result she truly appreciates and understands why it is financially crucial that organisations invest in the health and wellbeing of their employees. When Helga isn't keeping our Management Accounts ship shape you'll find her out running or in her role as an Ambassador for Thyroid UK.

Layla Paterson

Job Titles:
  • Director of Paterson SA

Nicky Forbes

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Trainer
Nicky combines corporate experience in Brand Management and Marketing alongside over 20 years of mental health therapy and training delivery. As an Emotional Freedom Technique Trainer, advanced EFT Practitioner, Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and Hypnotherapist Nicky is passionate about supporting people to thrive and to find the perfect balance personally and professionally. With a warm, enthusiastic and encouraging style, Nicky brings an in depth evidence based approach to how our minds and bodies work together - a great combination to support your team, whatever the challenge.

Sara Maude - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
Founder and Managing Director of The Mind Solution International, Sara fully believes in the potential for people to thrive in all areas of life. With a 10 year commercial background in Human Resources for brands including British Airways Holidays, Virgin Atlantic, NHS, De Vere Hotels and Debenhams, Sara fully recognises the need to have a strong, healthy and productive workforce. Often described as a ‘big bundle of energy'' Sara has run several marathons, travelled the world solo and makes it her life purpose to creating a business world of healthy, happy and resilient people.

Tony Piper

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Trainer
Towards the end of his 27 year career working in tech, in roles spanning from Developer to Group IT Director to Head of Technical Consultancy, Tony finally realised that most of the problems he was solving were rooted in people-related stuff, instead of technology!. Determined to make an even bigger impact, he retrained as a professional coach. Tonys coaching approach - grounded in Clean Language, Clean Space and the Three Principles - is focussed on helping individuals and groups be who and how they need to be in order to create what they want to create. Tony's incredible ability to connect with people (even online!) and enable people to create fundamental shifts to the way they think, feel and act makes him perfect for your leadership programmes.