Claudean Ostrom - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
Claudean joined L2 in 2018, with over 20 years of experience in operations and administrative management for growing and dynamic organizations. A strategic leader with strong knowledge of the technology and private equity sectors, she is known for recognizing opportunities for improvement and delivering solutions. She values developing authentic relationships with her team and partners. As director of operations, she oversees human resources, marketing, contract management - including the company's GSA Schedule - accounting and business development activities, ensuring efficient and effective workflows to drive achievement. Claudean earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Central Connecticut State University. She enjoys riding her two horses with her daughter and spending time with her family.

Lisa Love - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
Lisa founded L2 in 2008 after more than 20 years in systems and security engineering with the US armed forces and Raytheon Systems. She is an air force veteran who saw active duty in both Desert Storm and Desert Shield operations. At L2, Lisa leads all aspects of the company, including strategic cyber planning and advisory for clients. Lisa is recognized as a thought and practice leader in cyber security, and is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences. She holds numerous certifications in cyber security and continues to maintain hands on engagement on client projects and evolving L2's technical capabilities. Lisa is an active outdoor resident of Denver, Colorado, where she lives with her husband.

Matt Santilli - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
Matt joined L2 in 2017 as an IT subject matter expert, leading IT security projects from initiation through closing. As vice president, he oversees security architecture, technical implementation, and IT systems integration for L2. He specializes in developing and deploying IT solutions in complex system environments, integrating hybrid systems, and program management governance. A US Army veteran, Matt has a MBA with a concentration in Data Analytics from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. He also earned BS degrees in Information Technology and Supply Chain Management from Marquette University. Matt holds numerous project management and IT certifications, and has authored several white papers on those subjects. Outside of work, Matt enjoys exploring Colorado with his wife and their two wiener dogs.