REDUCEPT - Key Persons

Anton Woudwijk

Job Titles:
  • Accountant
  • Accountant BEc Economics, BSc Accountancy
Anton is our accountant at Reducept. He has helped Louis and Margryt since the beginning of Reducept. In the meantime, he has become the permanent Excel magician, sparring partner for human resources and financial accountant within Reducept.

Charley van Veldhoven

Job Titles:
  • Composer & Sound Designer
  • Sound Designer BMus. Music
Charley is a classically trained pianist and started composing music when she was 8 years old. She studied Composition for the Media at HKU, Music and Technology, Jazz Piano at the Conservatory in Utrecht and graduated with triple honours. She completed a traineeship with Game and Film composer Jeff Rona in Los Angeles. Charley has a great passion for artistic content creation and people. For Reducept, Charley produces and composes all the Reducept soundtracks.

Dr. Derek Kuipers Game

Job Titles:
  • Design Professor Serious Gaming
Derek played his first digital games on a Philips MSX1 VG-8020. He is the founder of the Master's program Digital Innovation in Healthcare and Serious Gaming, in which the importance of good design is paramount. With his educational background, Derek safeguards Reducept's educational theory, values and design to challenge the oxymoron. His metaphorical re-contextualization is a core working mechanism of the Reducept Method.

Elisse March

Job Titles:
  • Product Owner / Scrum Master
Elisse wears many hats at Reducept, one of which is making sure our app releases get to you fault-free and in time. Building on her past as a brand manager and background as a software engineer, she combines her passion for user experience and technology-driven mindset for a multifaceted approach to our product.

Farah Qureshi - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Head of Marketing
  • Head of Marketing BSc European Business
Senior Marketing Strategist with a passion for Sustainability, Health, Tech & Innovation. Farah has a background in B2B/B2C Marketing, (Corporate) Branding Strategies, Social Media, Partnerships, Productions & Events and has worked with a various range of international clients, such as Samsung, Tomorrowland, WeAreOne, Dubai Expo 2020 and water tech market leader Holland Water. At Reducept, she ensures our ambition is getting the exposure it deserves: to free the world from chronic pain.

Jan-Jurjen Lemstra

Job Titles:
  • Front End Developer Communicatie & Multimedia Design
Jan-Jurjen is on behalf of the Alserda Media team, part of the Web development team at Reducept. Jan Jurjen is taking care of Front end interfaces and design.

Jeroen Houttuin Game

Job Titles:
  • Developer BSc. Communication & Multimedia Design
  • Game Developer
Jeroen has always been fascinated with the world around him. This has put him on a journey trying to learn as much about it as possible. Not satisfied with just learning about it, he also like to impart others with the same wonder and knowledge through his work. At Reducept, Jeroen is focusing on Reducept for Mobile.

Jorim Theuns

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Designer MFA Information Design, BSc Creative Technology
Jorim is a research-driven designer who's obsessed with information: data that makes a difference. Constantly inspired by scale, networks and the intricacy of the natural world, Jorim uses systems thinking to discover novel approaches to tackle wicked problems.

Louis Zantema

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder & Product Science MSc. Clinical Psychology & Health Psychology
  • Science Officer and Founder of the Reducept Company
As Science Officer and Founder of the Reducept Company, Louis has +8 Years of clinical expertise in treating patients with chronic pain as a psychologist. Awarded for exceptional performance by the Royal House, he also shares a great passion for gaming. His aim is to make himself dispensable as a pain therapist.

Margryt Fennema - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Entrepreneurial Health Scientist and patient advocate. Graduated Cum Laude in Arts, Health Innovation and Public Health. Successfully developed two medical products together with patients. Awarded Dutch Young Talent 2020.

Marjon de Vreede

Job Titles:
  • Head of Customer Relations MSc. Clinical Psychology
Marjon has worked as a psychologist for many years, with a focus on chronic pain patients in recent years. Her fascination with Reducept's mission brought her to be part of the team. Her goal is to give as many people as possible an opportunity to get a grip on their pain in a fun, non-invasive and innovative way that will improve their quality of life.

Martijn Schwarte

Job Titles:
  • Sales Executive
  • Sales Executive MSc in Change Management / Sales Executive
Sales executive, die door middel van het aangaan van nieuwe relaties en het onderhouden van bestaande relaties het doel van Reducept zo snel mogelijk werkelijkheid wil maken, namelijk de wereld vrij maken van chronische pijn.

Mathijs Seegers

Job Titles:
  • Head of Finance & Strategy
Mathijs is an analytical and ambitious financial with a broad educational background in business economics, technics, and political science. 10+ years finance experience, (corporate & tech scale-up) with strong focus on strategy, performance marketing & BI. C-level M&A experience make him a well experienced and valued Financial Officer at Reducept. Mathijs focuses on providing forward-looking and strategic thinking by means of analyzing and structuring problems and opportunities.

Mona Khatib

Job Titles:
  • Online Marketeer
Mona is currently completing her Masters in Health Education and Promotion at Maastricht University; she believes good health is the root of happiness. In her free time, she volunteers as a Creative PR and Media Outreach Officer where she can use her creativity to support a good cause. However, once Mona became aware of the power of the human brain in combination with digital training, she has been determined to communicate it to the rest of the world.

Paco Hamelijnck

Job Titles:
  • Customer Support
Being a 3D game artist and project manager has given Paco first-hand experience with virtual reality, which has helped him become a true expert in the field. Paco is knowledgeable about problems that develop and how to fix them. At Reducept, it is his passion to offer the best customer care possible throughout the whole client experience.

Peter Alsderda API

Job Titles:
  • API / Back End Developer
  • Back End Developer Communicatie & Multimedia Design
Peter is passionate about creating and designing (technical) solutions in order to make life easier for people. He believes in a solution-based approach when tackling problems, by first getting an actual understanding of the human needs and iterating through the process of ideating, prototyping and testing. Obsessed with gaining more knowledge in order to improve himself, Peter works on behalf of Alserda Media together with the Reducept API team. His expertise is based on his love for programming, dynamic (web) applications, gaming and innovative start up environments.

Prof. Harry van Goor

Job Titles:
  • Head of RCT, Advisor Science & Research Professor of Surgical Education Radboud UMC
  • Professor
Since his introduction to Google glass in 2013, Professor Harry van Goor has led various innovation projects with great passion. Focusing on Innovation Research and disruptive digital solutions, he published over 335+ studies. His dream is to create a Virtual Health Centre, where vulnerable individuals and groups in society have easy access to and well-being is promoted. Harry is lead of the Randomized Controlled Trials Phase 1 and 2. In this, Harry contributes to combating and preventing chronic pain with simple, smart and accessible (virtual) technologies.

Rachit Paliwal

Job Titles:
  • International Business Development Manager MBA, Nyenrode Business University
Rachit is an impact-driven business development professional who believes that long-term business growth can only be sustained if efforts are made to increase the size of the pie rather than grabbing the biggest slice. Therefore, he always looks at partnerships from an overall value generation and mutually beneficial viewpoint.

Tom Ruijs Game

Job Titles:
  • Developer BSc. ICT & Software Engineering
  • Game Developer
Tom has always had a passion for discovering the inner workings of how games tick. Leading him to making games from a very early age and deep-diving into game systems and architecture. Having dealt with chronic pain himself, he knew he had to hop on-board with Reducept, to make sure that nobody would ever have to go through the same thing.