Updated 1 day ago
H-1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István (ex Roosevelt) sqr. 7-8. "A" building, 8th floor
Cashline Investment Holding Zrt grew out of Cashline Securities Inc and was established as a fully licenced investment bank thanks to the highly successful Corporate Finance and M&A departments. Cashline Securities Inc's focus was private equity investments in the Hungarian and other regional markets, ranging from minor share acquisitions to 100% buyouts. These investments were mainly conducted in the early 1990's, with an increased frequency between 1993-1994... The Group was transformed into a holding-company in 1999 with the establishment of the predecessor of Cashline Investment Holding. Alongside the traditional advisory activities which were the main area of business for existing customers, the Group became a private investment company undertaking major ventures. As a direct result, the Group is currently one of the largest private equity investors in Hungary. Cashline Investment Holding is the parent of Cashline Group, while the active operations include portfolio investment,..
Also known as: Cashline, Cashline Group, Cashline Investment Holding Ltd