Sheri Katz

Sheri Katz is the voice behind the emails, phone calls and social media posts. She stays behind the scenes taking care of inventory and office management. She will work with you, gathering all of the information we need before your saddle is shipped.

Steve Katz

Job Titles:
  • Owner Duett Saddlery
Steve Katz, DC is an Equine Chiropractor with over 25 years of experience. Early on in his career he realized that poor fitting saddles were the cause of so many of the back issues and biomechanical problems that he was seeing in the field. Steve has trained with some of the top veterinarians in the country. Wanting to gain more experience and knowledge with saddle fitting, he traveled to England and attended the Cumbria School of Saddlery and was trained by David May, a master saddler. He has also taken the Foundations course given by the Society of Master Saddlers from England. He brings to the table a genuine love and concern for horses and understands the value and benefit of a well fitting saddle from a Chiropractic standpoint. A horse will not perform to its full potential in a saddle that hinders or interferes with its movement.