Nick Cerio

It was in one of these families of Kempo that a man named Nick Cerio began his training. Cerio had a previous background in boxing, judo and tae kwon do before starting his training in Kempo in 1961. By the late 1960's, Cerio had earned his Black Belt in New England. He decided he wanted to return to the roots of Kempo, so he traveled to Hawaii and began training directly with Professor William Chow,considered one of the founders of Kempo and widely credited with spreading the art. Professor Cerio went on to become a legend and one of the most influential masters of Kempo in the martial arts. He trained in or earned high ranks in multiple styles of martial arts: Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, American Kenpo, Hakkoryu Jujistu, Okinawan Karate, Sil Lum Kung Fu, Shotokan, Kyokushinkai and Judo. There is a truth in the martial arts that states, "The style of a martial art is heavily influenced by the Master who creates it or passes it on." While studying Kempo and other styles, Professor Cerio followed a philosophy that is best described as, "Take what is useful, make it your own and discard the rest." Like many of the martial artists who descended from the forefathers of Kempo, Professor Cerio took what he had learned from the many martial arts masters and combined it into his own system of Kenpo, calling it Nick Cerio's Kenpo, or Cerio Kenpo.

Shihan Joseph Nesta

In 1971, these two men - Joseph Nesta and Paul Taylor - began their training in one of the offshoots of Kenpo that had come to New England via California and Hawaii. In 1988, Nesta, then a 5th degree Black Belt, decided that he wanted to "return to the roots" of Kenpo and sought out Professor Cerio directly. When they met, the Professor asked Nesta what it was he wanted; Nesta replied, "I want to know everything you know." Cerio reportedly smiled and replied, "I like your attitude." This started a ten year journey with Professor Cerio that culminated with Professor Cerio promoting Shihan Nesta to one of the highest ranks ever awarded in Cerio's Kenpo and hand-picking Shihan Nesta as the man to take over Professor Cerio's association.

Shihan Paul Taylor

By 1986, Paul Taylor was a high-ranking Black Belt and moved from New England to California, beginning a journey that would touch literally thousands of future Kenpo martial artists. He was a key figure in building one of the largest martial arts organizations in the United States, with locations spanning from coast to coast. He was also instrumental in enrolling, teaching and producing thousands of martial artists and hundreds of Black Belts - many of whom are still teaching and spreading Kenpo around the country to this day - by creating the largest Martial Arts Instructors College ever. Taylor also created, organized and managed the largest one-day martial arts tournament on the West Coast, which has been in existence for almost twenty years and still goes on to this day. Taylor was also responsible for the organization and successes of two record breaking events involving the Shaolin Temple of China's Shaolin Monk Demonstration Team. In both instances, the Shaolin Temple reported the largest crowds they had ever performed for in North America. In perhaps one of his proudest accomplishments, Taylor was acknowledged as a "True Kenpo Master" personally by Professor Nick Cerio in a ceremony in Southern California. Taylor went on to coordinate and administer Professor Nick Cerio's International Martial Arts Association during its most successful period of membership. Taylor was promoted to his 8th degree Black Belt in 2001 at the legendary Shaolin Temple of China. In 2010, Shihan Taylor was promoted to 9th Degree Black Belt with Shihan Joseph Nesta as a witness. In 2012, Shihan Taylor was promoted to rank of 10th Degree Black Belt and given the title "Grandmaster" by 10th Degree Black Belt and Grandmaster Shihan Joseph Nesta.