BOLTZ & CO - Key Persons

Matt Boltz

Matt Boltz founded Boltz & Co. after working in Accounting, Financial Planning & Analysis, Project Management, and Operations at various companies and seeing that no matter where he worked there was always one thing in common - the vast majority of people greatly disliked their jobs. He had hours upon hours of conversations with people at all levels of organizations, friends, and family about why they hated their jobs so much. Various studies solidified this fact, job satisfaction is extremely low throughout the world. It turns out that most individuals would be happier in their jobs if only the organizations they worked for could make some very minor and realistic changes in their communication and their policies. This feedback will rarely make it to the executive or management levels of a company because employees don't want to be terminated for offering constructive criticism. Matt started Boltz & Co. to help organizations and their employees answer the question of Why? Why do people dislike their jobs? Why doesn't communication between employees and managers flow more freely and honestly? Why are organizations so hesitant to change their policies? Why don't companies work on their culture when almost all leaders recognize the importance of culture to the success of their organization? Why does learning stop when you get comfortable in a role at a company? These are just some of the Why? questions that need to be answered in order for people to be more positive about their job and for organizations to be more successful. While organizational culture and development strategy is our primary focus at Boltz & Co. we still have a passion for the operational side of organizations. That's why we also offer temporary contractor services in Accounting, FP&A, Project Management, and Operations. Being involved with these teams is also a great way to learn about an organization's culture and how communication flows between teams and levels of the organization's hierarchy. Matt Boltz has earned a B.A. in Economics with a minor in Legal Studies and an M.S. in Accounting with a minor in Management. Due to his education and work background, Matt's approach has always been to recognize the importance of data analysis as well as the human element in organizations. Both of these factors need to be considered when working with organizations to improve their culture. Our methodology is to analyze key data points of an organization and to hold in-depth, meaningful conversations with employees at all levels to see what is working and what needs to change at your company to increase productivity and increase employee satisfaction.