Anna D. Muntingh

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Psychologist
  • Senior Researcher
Anna D. Muntingh is GZ-psychologist (in training for clinical psychologist) and senior researcher at GGZ inGeest. Her PhD project at the Trimbos Intitute focused on the cost-effectiveness of a collaborative care intervention for anxietydisorders in the primary care setting.

Dick J. Veltman

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist
  • Professor
Dick J. Veltman is psychiatrist and emeritus professor of neuroimaging in psychiatric disorders at the department of psychiatry and the department of anatomy and neurosciences at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. Dick is program leader of the program Brain Imaging at Amsterdam Neuroscience. His research focuses on functional and structural imaging in common mental disorders (mood and anxiety disorders, and addiction), as well as in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. In addition, research interests include psychiatric neurodevelopmental disorders and healthy aging, and imaging methodology.

Dr. Adriaan Hoogendoorn

Job Titles:
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Senior Researcher at Amsterdam UMC
Adriaan Hoogendoorn is a statistician and senior researcher at Amsterdam UMC (department of Psychiatry). His main fields of interest are in statistical methods, like Sample Size Calculations, Analysis of Random Clinical Trials, Longitudinal Data Analysis and (Individual Participant Data) Meta-Analysis.

Dr. Almar Kok

Job Titles:
  • Senior Researcher
Almar Kok works as senior researcher at the department of psychiatry and the department of epidemiology & data science at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. Almar is embedded in the elderly psychiatry section. His research focuses on the role of psychosocial factors such as socioeconomic status, social support, personality traits and perceived autonomy in shaping late-life mental health. Rather than on biomedical factors and treatments, his research focuses on the implications of psychiatric disorders for social, physical and psychological functioning.

Dr. Anneke van Schaik

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Psychiatry / Director of Academic Affairs GGZ InGeest Mental Health Care, Amsterdam
Anneke van Schaik studied Medicine at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, and specialized in Psychiatry at the Valeriuskliniek (VU University Medical Center) in Amsterdam. Since 1992 she has been working as a psychiatrist. In 2006 she obtained her PhD on ‘Interpersonal Psychotherapy for late life depression in general practice'. She has a special interest in depression intervention studies, digitalisation and e-mental health. Since March 2022, she is Director of Academic Affairs at GGZ inGeest.

Dr. Chris Vriend

Job Titles:
  • Senior Researcher
  • Senior Researcher at the Departments of Psychiatry
Chris Vriend is a senior researcher at the departments of Psychiatry and Anatomy & Neurosciences of Amsterdam UMC, location Boelelaan, and works on various (international) neuroimaging projects and clinical trials with pre/post neuroimaging for conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, Parkinson's disease and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

Dr. Hein van Marle

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist
  • Senior Researcher
  • Psychiatrist and Principal Investigator at the Department of Psychiatry
Hein van Marle is a psychiatrist and principal investigator at the Department of Psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC location VUmc, GGZ inGeest and ARQ. Hein studied Medicine at the University of Amsterdam. In 2001-2003, under the financial support of a Fulbright Scholarship, he worked as a research assistant at the Department of Physiology and Neuroscience at New York University Medical School. During his PhD at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in Nijmegen (2007-2011), he combined neuroimaging (fMRI), sleep recordings, stress induction, pharmacological manipulation and various memory tasks in an initial attempt to translate animal findings on stress to the systems level in humans. In 2010, he started his psychiatry residency at AMC and from 2014 onwards he is working in his current position at GGZ inGeest and Amsterdam UMC (location VUmc). As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist his general research aim is to apply cognitive neuroscience to come to a more profound understanding of psychiatric disease and to develop novel, theory-driven treatments. His current research focuses on the role of sleep and (sleep-dependent) memory processing in the etiology and treatment of trauma-related disorders and personality disorders. He specifically aims to translate basic research findings on memory augmentation during sleep to the patient-level in an attempt to increase therapeutic effectiveness of existing treatments. He uses sleep recordings and neuroimaging to elucidate the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. His research is sponsored by a ZonMw VENI grant, a NWO Off Road grant, 2 Narsad Young Investigator Grants from the US-based Brain & Behavior Research foundation and grants from the Dutch Brain Foundation. Clinically, Hein works as a trauma-focused psychiatrist at ARQ National Psychotrauma centre and GGZ inGeest.

Dr. Inge J. Jager

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Psychologist / Postdoc Researcher
  • Inge Jager
Dr. Inge J. Jager has extended clinical experience with persistent depressive disorders and comorbidity. She has been working in academic environments at Amsterdam UMC the last decade, focusing on mood disorders and the Academic Workplace Depression of GGZ inGeest (TOPGGz outpatient clinic). She is a licensed clinical psychologist/psychotherapist with registrations as both CBASP and CBT supervisor. Dr. I.J. Jager has experience in clinical relevant research and conducted a RCT (CBT), multiple pilot studies (CBASP, EMDR) and published a CBT treatment protocol. Innovation and improvement of evidence based treatments to optimise outcome are her areas of expertise.

Dr. Mariska Bot

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor at Amsterdam UMC
  • Project Coordinator of the OPERA
Mariska Bot (1985) works as assistant professor at Amsterdam UMC (Department of Psychiatry). Mariska is project coordinator of the OPERA project and was also project leader of the MooDFOOD project. Her research interests include the optimal use of antidepressant medication for depression, and the interplay of depression with diet, obesity, metabolites, and diabetes mellitus. Mariska works on several depression-related projects and as datamanager. Mariska has a background in Health Sciences and Public Health Research. She obtained her PhD in 2012 at Tilburg University on the relationship between depression and diabetes. Mariska is registered as epidemiologist B, and has BKO and BROK certificates, and is member of the Amsterdam Public Health scientific quality committee. Furthermore, she coordinates the scientific internships of the psychiatry department of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.

Dr. Ursula Klumpers

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist
  • Senior Researcher
  • Psychiatrist and Senior Researcher at GGZ InGeest
Ursula Klumpers is psychiatrist and senior researcher at GGZ inGeest. She is co-chair of the academic workplace bipolar disorders.

Elke Elzinga

Job Titles:
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Researcher at Both 113 Suicide Prevention
Elke Elzinga (PhD) works as a postdoctoral researcher at both 113 Suicide Prevention and Amsterdam UMC. She started working in suicide prevention since 2017 and finished her PhD about suicide prevention in the General Practice in 2023. Now, she focusses on young adults and the role of social media in suicide prevention. In 2021 she started a new research project, commisioned by the Ministry of Health, about lifelong death wishes and persistent suicidality. This project was recently transferred to Amsterdam UMC, where his research project (now funded by the NVVE) has grown into a PhD-trajectory which Elke is co-supervising.

Eus J. Van Someren

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Department of Sleep
  • Professor
  • Professor Human Brain Activity of Sleep
Eus J. Van Someren is professor of human brain activity of sleep, rest and vigilance at the department of intergrative neurophysiology (faculty of science, VU University), the Netherlands Institue for Neuroscience (Herseninstituut) and the department of psychiatry Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. Eus is head of the department of Sleep and Cognition at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. ‘Sleep professor' Van Someren investigates brain mechanisms of insomnia. His team uses many research methods to gain insight, including online surveys, assessment by smartphones and other small devices, genetics, and EEG and MRI to measure brain activity. Concertedly, the methods are starting to reveal the brain circuits involved in insomnia. Van Someren has launched the Netherlands Sleep Registry to collaborate with thousands of volunteering non-scientists. Their ongoing help has shown to be key to several breakthrough findings on insomnia. They can also help to understand and the risk of depression it conveys.

George Aalbers

Job Titles:
  • Researcher
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
George Aalbers works as a postdoctoral researcher for the department of psychiatry of Amsterdam UMC/VUmc and the Stress in Action consortium. His current research focuses on understanding, measuring, and predicting daily-life stress and its mental health outcomes. This involves machine learning and network analysis of intensive longitudinal data collected by wearables and smartphones. His long-term objective is to contribute to the development of digital phenotyping and just-in-time adaptive intervention technologies.

Ingeborg Hagen

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Jolanda van Beetz

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Joost Dekker - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer
  • Professor of Allied Health Care
Joost Dekker is emiritus professor of Allied Health Care at the department of psychiatry and the department of rehabilitation medicine. His research concerns behavioral factors in somatic disease. He focuses on musculoskeletal disorders, cancer, and neurological disorders. He obtained grants from numerous agencies: the Ministry of Health; Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development, NGO's and other agencies. He is (co)author of more than 415 international and more than 180 national scientific publications. He supervised 38 successfully defended PhD theses. Joost is the current Treasurer and a former President of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine. He performs editorial services for a wide range of scientific journals and is the past Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. He is involved in international and national boards and committees.

Melany Horsfall

Job Titles:
  • Manager Field Work
Melany Horsfall coördinates the fieldwork for multiple studies. Furthermore, she is the contact person for privacy and regulation issues and a member of the CWO (scientific research committee) of GGZ inGeest. Finally, she works on her PhD about the effect of data collecting processes on data quality in longitudinal studies.

Neeltje Batelaan

Job Titles:
  • Co - Director of the Education Program Psychiatry at GGZ InGeest ( Opleiding ) and Education Portfolio Amsterdam UMC / VUmc ( Onderwijs )

Odile A. van den Heuvel

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist and Professor
  • Psychiatrist and Professor of Neuropsychiatry
Odile A. van den Heuvel is psychiatrist and professor of neuropsychiatry at the department of anatomy and neurosciences and psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. Odile is program leader of the program Compulsivity, Impulsivity and Attention and chair of the international ENIGMA-OCD consortium.

Prof Berno van Meijel

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Nursing GGZ
Berno van Meijel is lector at Hogeschool Inholland and special appointed professor GGZ-nursing at the department of psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. His research focuses on mental health care, psychogeriatric care and care for mentally handicapped people.

Prof. Aartjan Beekman

Job Titles:
  • Chair. Head Department of Psychiatry Amsterdam UMC / VUmc

Prof. dr. Birit Broekman

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
  • Professor of Hospital Psychiatry
Birit Broekman is Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology OLVG a.i., Professor at AmsterdamUMC, and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Dutch Psychiatric Association. Her clinical and research work is focused on the interconnection between psyche and soma, with the aim to improve integrated care for patients with mental and somatic health issues. She was trained in both Psychology (MA - RUG) and Medicine (Msc, MD, PhD - UvA). After completing her formal training in Psychiatry, she worked as both a clinician and scientist for almost 10 years at the National University Hospital in Singapore. After being back in the Netherlands she completed a clinical leadership programme at Erasmus. Currently, she is involved in different research projects, related to innovative projects and Value Based Healthcare in the field of Hospital Psychiatry. As a Veni Laureate she gained expertise in perinatal mental health and the relation between sex hormones, mood and sleep. In her work as a psychiatrist she runs multi-specialist clinics together with various disciplines like pediatricians, infant mental health specialists, endocrinologists and neurologists. Currently she is setting up a Family Baby Unit to help postnatal patients with mental health issues and their partners. Over the years Birit has build up fruitful collaborations with national and international collegues in psychiatry and other medical specialties. She has been involved in development of education and likes to mentor young clinicians and scientists. In 2023 Birit obtained the title of endowed professor hospital psychiatry.

Prof. dr. Brenda Penninx

Job Titles:
  • Professor Psychiatric Epidemiology
Brenda Penninx studied Health Sciences at the Catholic University of Nijmegen and obtained her PhD in Epidemiology at the VU University in 1996. Afterwards she worked in the USA for several years as Visiting Fellow and Visiting Scientist at the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, and as Assistant/Associate Professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. In 2004 she returned to the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam to become the principal investigator of the NESDA study; the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Penninx's research group is well-funded and received >50 M Euro from various national and international (EU or NIH) research grants, including the prestigious personal VIDI and VICI grants. Her current research group is truly multidisciplinary: persons with diverse backgrounds (psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, epidemiology, mathematics, data science, sociology) together examine the etiology, treatment and consequences of depressive and anxiety disorders. Over 50 students have obtained their PhD-degree under her supervision. Penninx has published over 800 international articles. In 2016, Brenda Penninx has been elected as member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and Arts (KNAW), since September 2022 Penninx serves as vice-president of the KNAW. In addition to her leading the NESDA study, she has been involved in several other Dutch and international cohort and intervention studies over the last 20 years. Central themes in her research are understanding psychosocial, environmental, somatic, genetic and neurobiological risk factors and consequences of depression and anxiety disorders and how to intervene on these to improve mental health. Penninx participates e.g. in the EU-funded PRISM, RESPOND, EarlyCause and To_Aition projects.

Prof. dr. Jan Smit

Job Titles:
  • Professor
  • Professor of Methodology
Jan or Johannes (J.H.) Smit is professor of methodology of longitudinal psychiatric research. From 2006 to 2018 he was managing director of the research department at GGZ inGeest/VUmc psychiatry. His research interests are survey methodology, data quality, measurement error, longitudinal designs and methodology.

Prof. dr. Patricia van Oppen

Job Titles:
  • Principal Investigator of the NOCDA
  • Professor
  • Psychologist and Professor of Psychotherapy in Psychiatry
Patricia van Oppen is professor of psychotherapy in psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc and clinical psychologist/psychotherapist at GGZ inGeest. She is chair of the academic workplace depression and also chair of the KP-opleiding: the education program for clinical psychotherapists within GGZ inGeest. Patricia is principal investigator of the NOCDA study: the Netherlands OCD association. Her key interests are the trajectory of anxiety symptoms/diagnoses; specific instrument validation; intiating new intervention studies in primary care and secondary care and treatment and assessement of obsessive compulsive disorders.

Ralph W. Kupka

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist and Professor of Bipolar Disorders
  • Psychiatrist at GGZ
Ralph W. Kupka is psychiatrist at GGZ inGeest and professor of bipolar disorders at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. He also works one day a week at Altrecht.

Rianne Hoogewoning

Job Titles:
  • Secretary