Amy Antonucci - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
Amy is a certified permaculture designer, small homesteader and organizer. She and her partner run Living Land Permaculture Homestead where they keep gardens, orchards, bees, chickens, ducks and dairy goats. Amy worked in organic agriculture for over ten years and was awarded the Lead Organic Gardener of 2017 and Mentor of the Year in 2022 by NOFA-NH. She has spoken at libraries, schools, garden clubs, conferences, and been interviewed in the media. She also leads workshops on Sacred Circle Dance, Frame Drumming and storytelling. Amy Antonucci had received her Permaculture Design Certificate in the Summer of 2008. While it was a valuable experience, she felt like there was still so much to learn. She also felt passionate about it's potential to be a world-changing and healing force and wanted to bring it to a wider audience. Some of the graduates from the 2008 PDC remained in touch and tried to come together to offer programs. They were using a googlegroups platform but it wasn't gathering many members or momentum. Then, another permaculturist moved to the area and attended one of the workshops. Mary Wicklund had recently completed her PDC in the Portland Maine area. She had been part of a vibrant Portland group organized through the online service of "meetup," so we decided to try that model here.

Deb Ganster

Deb is a licensed healthcare provider, integrating regular medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine and homeopathy for her 2 legged and 4 legged clients in South Berwick Maine. After earning her permaculture design certification in 2010, she is gradually integrating the ethics, principles and practices of permaculture design at her off grid farm in South Berwick ME. In her free time, she is a bookworm and she pursues fiber art projects using the material abundance from her sheep, rabbits, llamas and and the plants from her gardens and surrounding fields and forest.

Jennifer Montgomery

Jennifer is a fairly new and avid learner about permaculture practices and is working on small-scale projects like pollinator gardens, hugelkultur beds, and resources stewardship at her home in New Hampshire. Having grown up on her family's grain farm on the northern Great Plains, she is finding the values and approaches that are central to permaculture to be both fascinating and revelatory. She also has great appreciation for the community of learners and do-ers in the world of permaculture, and she is grateful to be a part of it.

Karen Merriam

After first learning about permaculture in 2013, Karen was grateful to connect with Seacoast NH Permaculture several years ago. She appreciates the practical resources, wisdom, and solidarity shared by this community as she seeks to transition from concept to practice while living on a one and a half acre small hill. Karen spends much of her time homeschooling her 13-year-old daughter and continuously exploring a wide range of subjects including-social permaculture, regenerative agriculture, ecology, history, philosophy, herbalism, the impact of technology, and systems thinking. With a career background in project management, action sports marketing, and public education, Karen is also a SELT volunteer, a library volunteer, a kitchen gardener and the family chef. She lives with her husband, daughter, mother, and 2-year-old dog in Epping, NH.

Stacey Purslow

Stacey is a Master Gardener in Strafford County and a grower of organic vegetables and fruits at her home in Rochester. Her background is in nutrition and culinary arts which she uses in her role with the NH Farm to School program. Her work with farm to school and as volunteer with Rochester Listens brings communities together to better connect and work towards common goals-work that supports several permaculture design principals.

Warren Sanford

Warren has been attending Seacoast Permaculture events since 2011. He enjoys supporting the local community by working local, buying local food, and food composting. Warren values community building in his condo association and attends film, potluck, and book study discussions on permaculture principles. He has an Associates degree in Liberal Arts from Northern Essex Community College, and has most recently worked as a cook for a local retreat center and presently for a local manufacturer. He values staying in touch with his family, who also lives locally.

Yulia Rothenberg

Yulia is a passionate environmental and community engagement advocate and has been learning the ropes of permaculture community design and systems thinking. She has extensive experience in program management, IT, graphic design, writing, education, resource management, employee and volunteer engagement. She is bilingual in English and Russian and brings her old world mindset of creative reuse and minimalist thinking to living on the Seacoast. From old clothing she makes new clothing, totes, jewelry, rugs and other items extending the usefulness of existing materials, giving them new life and making them fun and beautiful. She loves teaching these skills to small groups and sharing the wisdom of re-purposing loved items into other forms.