Updated 904 days ago
The Science Snail holds a PhD in organic and biological chemistry. I created this website as an outlet to share my insight and observations on a wide range of topics. My diverse interests include chemistry, biochemistry, mathematical modelling, physics, and philosophy. I hope you enjoy the varied content of my site and I encourage comments, questions, or suggestions for new articles using the Contact tab... Where B1e is the magnetic field generated by the microwave power, B0 is the static magnetic field, Ne is the number of electrons, and T1n is the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time [2]. The SE has an inverse squared dependence on B0 and is therefore less effective at higher magnetic fields. This is partially due to the inefficiency at exciting the electrons, in addition to the unfavorable mixing of electronic and nuclear spin states at higher fields [7]. Nevertheless, appreciable SE-induced DNP enhancement have been achieved using a suitable polarizing agent with higher microwave..