Updated 2 days ago
- Age: 7 years
- ID: 41702744/47
AGEN Environmental Corporation ("AGEN") was formed in 2018 as a Delaware registered company whose mission is advocating for a cleaner and healthier planet by producing nutritious agriculture and GREEN energy for today and tomorrow...
AGEN is so focused on Agriculture and Energy that our name is made up of the first two letters of the words: Ag riculture En ergy: AGEN...
AGEN Environmental Corporation designs, manufactures, installs and services Energy-Efficient and Zero or low Emission Technologies by bringing together its many proprietary processes and patents in: Agricultural growth, Dry Animal feed from food waste, Bio-chemistry, Chemical Science, Combustion systems, Hydrogen fuels and cleaner healthier water technology while reducing CO2 and other negative emissions and pollution from landfills to help improve health, while saving, Jobs, Money, Fuel costs and the Environment.