CLEANING BEDFORD - History of Changes

2024-03-14 delete address 11 Ibbett Close MK43 9BT, Kempston, Bedford, UK
2024-03-14 delete phone +447450891637
2024-03-14 insert address 63 St Leonards Street, MK42 9EG, Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
2024-03-14 insert phone 01234 889 029
2024-03-14 update primary_contact 11 Ibbett Close MK43 9BT, Kempston, Bedford, UK => 63 St Leonards Street, MK42 9EG, Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
2023-04-23 insert phone +447450891637
2022-12-17 delete address Marisa - Kimble Drive, Bedford MK41 end of tenancy
2022-12-17 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-17 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-17 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-17 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2022-10-15 insert address Marisa - Kimble Drive, Bedford MK41 end of tenancy
2022-09-14 delete address Rachel - Goldington Road, Bedford MK40 one of service Renhold
2022-07-13 insert address Rachel - Goldington Road, Bedford MK40 one of service Renhold
2021-06-24 insert address Bromham Road, Bedford MK40 UK
2021-02-13 delete address 20 Highfield Road MK42 7JH, Bedford, UK
2021-02-13 delete address 50 Lovat Walk MK42 7LX Kempston Bedford, UK
2021-02-13 insert address 11 Ibbett Close MK43 9BT Kempston Bedford, UK
2021-02-13 update primary_contact 20 Highfield Road MK42 7JH, Bedford, UK => 11 Ibbett Close MK43 9BT Kempston Bedford, UK
2020-03-05 delete address 20 Highfield Road MK42 7JH Kempston Bedford, UK
2020-03-05 insert address 50 Lovat Walk MK42 7LX Kempston Bedford, UK