CLUB FLOWS - Key Persons

John Vorberger

Job Titles:
  • Principal Bio
John Vorberger has a B.S in Metallurgy from Penn State University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering from North Carolina State University. He served on the BOD of Sewickley Heights Golf Club, located in western Pennsylvania, for nine years. He held the posts of Membership Chair, Treasurer, Vice President and President. Background John Vorberger founded Club Flows Inc. on the principals developed during a multi-year process to fill membership at his home club, Sewickley Heights Golf Club. In 2009, the club was floundering, active membership was 100 members below capacity and there was no free cash flow. The club's high dues and membership structure were preventing it from growing. Dr. Vorberger, who was president at that time, realized that the only way for his club to succeed was to operate at capacity, but the BOD was very skeptical. So, he developed a financial model which identified the optimum dues levels and membership structure necessary to profitably fill membership and provided projections of future financial performance of the club along it path to full membership. The new Membership Plan approved by the BOD slashed active dues by almost 25% to promote strong membership growth. It took 5 years for the club to reach its goal of full membership with annual revenue gains of almost $500,000.