Melanie Stahl

Melanie Stahl is such an individual. With 34 years of nursing behind her, she is in no doubt that the last few months have truly been the most challenging of her career. "I have always found nursing to be a challenging profession," says Melanie. "We are constantly on our feet, taking care of the fragile and vulnerable with very little time to catch our breath. And, no two days are ever the same. Yet even that doesn't come close to the last few months. One hears of colleagues that you have worked with, in other hospitals and healthcare facilities, who have passed away from the virus." "The fears and anxieties are enormous. I try not to overthink everything, albeit it very difficult not to. My biggest priority is to try and stay as safe as possible for the sake of my family that I come home to every night. Having lost my Mom at a very young age, my family, children and grandchildren are very important to me and so, even in my own home, there is currently no physical contact such as hugging or kissing for now." Passionate about the care and welfare of others, Melanie knew from a young age that she wanted to become a nurse. But it is not always an easy road. "I remember, barely five months into nursing, losing my first patient. It was the hardest moment, and I just didn't know if I could carry on," says Melanie. There are also constant daily challenges. "Some days are just so busy that you don't have a moment to catch your breath. Many years ago, I will never forget how I forgot to give a patient her afternoon tea, and how much this upset me. Yet, the kindness and care from our colleagues always gets us through and keeps us going."

Vonney Dreyer

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Coach